I’m back from Chicago and while I had an amazing time it’s time to get back to a “normal” routine. I’ve already been off a routine since the middle of August and I’m really missing it. I still can’t run until January, but I can do other things; I’m just not doing much…

One of the things I’d like to re-focus on is my diet. I am fairly certain I’ve mentioned it before, but in case I haven’t, I fully admit that I am an emo-eater and while I have learned how to handle stress and emotional issues over the last several years through exercise, I am human and I do sometimes slip back into old coping habits. I know – 100% – that eating junk and/or overeating won’t actually help me in any way, except of course satisfy and immediate “need”. I’ve been allowing myself to have an extended pity-party but at some point enough is enough.
My plan this week to get restarted:
- Gym at least 2 times
- Food logging on MyFitnessPal
- Get my 10K steps per day, every day

I gained 2.2 KG (almost 5 lbs) while in Chicago. It’s been worth every donut, taco, deep dish pizza and cocktail though, I can tell you! However this means I’m creeping closer to 80KG and, for me, that’s not really a weight that is conducive to running (**for me**). I know I’m getting older, am going through menopause and have some physical issues (hello left foot and groin nerve-pain) and these are factors I accept so I don’t expect to lose a lot of weight or lose weight quickly. Really what I want is to get back to eating well and choosing wisely. After all my whole focus this year was supposed to be about choice and choosing things that fit with my goals.
I know weight loss is a really boring topic for most, so Im not going to drone on about it too much. I just want to get back into a sort of fitness rhythm so that I can start to feel better, not only emotionally but also physically.
I know it’s only October, but I’m also already thinking about goals and things I want to do next year. This year has already been quite a mess, not everything has gone to plan and, frankly, I’m just kind of done. I want to have realistic goals next year and also focus on a good marathon training plan for Chicago next year. I’m already sniffing around for different plans and asking others what sort of plans they use.
Nothing wrong with a reset now and again but I am feeling a bit like a broken record! I suppose it’s all about moving forward, even if you get stuck occasionally. I hope this is the last time this year I say “onwards” – I’m so ready to move on now. Too bad I have to wait so long to run again, but hey, at least it’s still an option for me. Not everyone has the option. Don’t take your running or moving your body for granted, folks/ This is the only body we get!
What marathon training plan do you use? What’s your favorite alternative exercise when you can’t run? Do you enjoy all the things when you go on holiday?
I know how hard it is when you can’t do your exercise of choice! Spinning/cycling is my fall-back when I can’t run. I like strength training but it gets boring without a class. I’m glad you aren’t feeling regrets about your Chicago indulgences – it sure looks like they were worth it. This is your blog, so you should write about whatever you want — and whatever helps you meet your goals. I’m sure lots of people will be interested in weight loss strategies after the holidays.
I agree about strength training – I’ve had such good intentions but… I really miss bodypump :( I have yet to get back to RPM in the next week. Definitely no regrets though. Thanks a lot for understanding the weight loss topic as well.
When I had a stress fracture and could not run, I got really into indoor cycling classes. I kept up my cardio pretty well. I also got really into yoga and swimming. No they are not the same as running but you can enjoy doing them and hey you may even like one of them. I feel for you as I remember how hard it was!
thanks Deborah. definitely going to try several things to find what I like! It’s comforting to know that others have gone through this and made it out the other side!
Oooh the Chicago food looks so good! Weight loss may be boring but it’s something that we all deal with. I have an extra 10 pounds that I’d love to get rid of but I haven’t figured out how to cut calories and run as much as I do, so I’ve accepted that it isn’t the priority right now…but I will get it someday.
oh it WAS good! running and losing weight is hard though. you need to fuel first, and that could mean you don’t lose weight! But I also would like to lose about 10 lbs – I definitely feel like running goes better when I weigh a little bit less.
Much as I love traveling and seeing my friends/family, I’m looking forward to getting back into a routine again too! I’m hoping to try to get 10k steps every day too–I haven’t been doing so well on that.
Not that I’m happy about it, but I’m glad others go through this too – if we were around all the time you know it wouldn’t be so hard to have a routine!
I feel like it’s hard to “eat sensibly” when you’re in Chicago. I definitely over indulged and I was only there 3 days, lol. One of my goals this week is to get back on track, which includes meal prepping too.
I mean it is… but it isn’t! sure if you lived there I bet it would be much easier. But everything is such a treat there, you kind of have to go for it hahaha! Meal prepping is a big thing for me, I really would like to accomplish that.
Hi Renee sounds like you’ve been having challenges with eating habits and you’re ready to start making those changes. Looks like you have a plan in place with tracking food and physical activity. Change is hard and it takes time. I find when you connect your goals with something meaningful and from what you mentioned, you want to continue to run comfortably.
Hi Elaine. Thank you. I think the best thing I can takeaway from your comment right now is that change is hard and takes time. I need to focus and be patient. That’s what I find hard. But if that helps me with the goal then I really have to make that switch in my head. Thank you so much.
Getting back to routine is really hard for me after a vacation. I’m a foodie at heart and my biggest problem is to eat sensibly. To keep me on track I cook most of the meals at home now. But I feel I fall off the wagon too many times when it comes to food…
I totally understand this!! I do think it’s ok to enjoy life while on vacation. I think though what’s hard is keeping it in balance.
When I couldn’t run when I had bust ribs I went on the cross-trainer quite a lot, bottom half only, no arms, and also the recumbent bike (the sit-up one was too sore and I twisted as I pedalled). Best of all, I found I could read on both of those! So I did …
I get you on the emo eating all of a sudden. My anti-anxiety pills (you might have missed this bit, as I didn’t talk about it on my blog or FB for Reasons, but I had a small breakdown when our beloved cat was ill and was put on some medication) have a side-effect of making you hungry so if I don’t keep on top of it (which I didn’t when the cat passed away, for sure), I find myself mindlessly eating ‘because I’m hungry’ but I’m not really hungry. Very annoying. So I’m trying to knock that extra eating on the head at the moment. And get my steps in as I found I was very immobile on non-running days. So happy to be your step buddy!
Hope putting this all down here helps. I have been using a journal I was given to review which I’m actually finding pretty useful, so that might be a plan for you, too. Good luck!
thanks so much for your comment Liz. I have been advised also to use the cross trainer because it mimics running in a way. I don’t think I could read on it though!
I’m so sorry to hear that you have also been going through this sort of thing too, but I totally get it. Hugs. I didn’t know :(
great idea about the journal. I’ve actually been completely avoiding mine. coincidence? time to dust it off.
Thank you for your kind words. Unfortunately, family members who I avoid for good reason and their spies read my blog so I tend not to be very personal on there, and end up talking about anything difficult in other people’s blogs’ comments. Really tricky to negotiate. My weight is spiralling upwards and I’m getting a bit panicky about it now. But the journal is helping, for me, I must say.
:hug: You are amazing and I’m so proud of you for getting back in the game. You have had a rough year, and I love that you are choosing too focus on the goals going forward.
I used a Galloway plan for my marathon, which went fairly well, in that I finished a marathon. Not sure I would be up for anything more intensive than that.
My favorite non-running exercise is cycling. And 9Round. And yoga. I really need more hours in a day.
You’re going to rock 2020.
thanks Jenn. Really appreciate your words. I hope next year will be better, that’s why I want to focus on getting there now. At least being in the mindset. I will check out Galloway!
You have some really good goals. Weight loss can be a great goal for the winter months when training is not in high gear.
thanks! definitely agree. though I have to say I am normally training year round.
It’s so hard to eat in a healthy way when you’re on vacation and that food all looks so good! It does seem as if it was worth it :) It sounds like youv’e got a good plan for getting back to your routine this week.
it really is hard. besides, I think it’s very ok to try local foods and enjoy life, yes even with food and drink. life is too short. Thanks for your comment.
I know what you mean about a re-set. It’s HARD
For training, I wanted to use Hal but I gave up and did group training to out source the planning. I think this was the best decision for me even though I mostly didn’t run with the group. More TK on this in a post next week ish
For me, getting back to track after vacation looks hardest. it is not hard, it is HARDEST thing to do :(