I had a lot of hope for this week. It seemed like the universe was a little bit against that hope. It’s fine. It just could have been better. WAY better.
It is full on Autumn here in the Netherlands. For those of you who know nothing about the seasons here it goes a bit like this: Winter: Cold, Wind, Rain, possibility of snow and Ice; Spring: Less Cold, Likely more Wind, Rain, bit of sunshine and then afterwards snow. then Oh My Gosh it’s already 26 degress??; Summer: Hey, it’s spring finally! Then humid, hot, rain. Autumn: This summer is awesome, best temps ever, Oh My Gosh I Can’t Believe it’s 30 degrees! To rain, rain, rain and more rain. Oh, and wind.

But it’s not just outside. The storms have been inside as well. Just a lot of stress everywhere. No further details needed Glad this week is over.

Deborah and Kim are the amazing hosts for the Weekly Run Down! Feel free to join in as well to wrap up your week in fitness!
Plan vs. Actual
Monday – 3.25KM walk, GLI gym 1 hr intake – no workout (appt w/different PT), 3.5KM biking
Tuesday – 3KM walk (office day) to and from train station
Wednesday – 3KM walk, W6R1 run, 6KM, GLI 1 hour, gym 55 min
Thursday – 2.22KM walk, gym
Friday – 2.75KM walk, W6R2 run , gym 55 min
Saturday – 2.5KM walk, parkrun in Alkmaar 5KM, 17/17 Dutch parkruns done!
Sunday – 2KM walk, long run W6R3, 1.4KM w/u walk, 10KM run (!!!)
Last week I had a plan and I really had good intentions for following that plan.
This Week In Fitness
- Monday – Aquapump (going to try it)
- Tuesday –
RPM (I can bike pretty easily with no pain, physio said to try it) –also have a PT appt - Wednesday –
Pilates (back at it the last 2 weeks, but had to go back to super basics for now) - Thursday –
gym (cardio) or another swim class - Friday – gym appointment with a trainer to get me restarted on strength
- Saturday + Sunday – not sure yet, need to see what the weather is like etc. If still fairly decent I would like to try to get out for one more good long bike ride. Actual: Saturday a big fat Nothing, Sunday @home workout (gym program) and 13KM in the freezing cold wind and rain for Ron’s last “long” run.
Aquapump: I did go to the class and my friend Els joined me. It was … interesting. I found it quite crowded, but then again I didn’t arrive super early to get a good spot in the pool so I ended up in pretty shallow water. I also found the exercises really fast. I felt like with many of the exercises with weights one could really get injured. I liked the “running” back and forth part and I liked the squats and lunges section with the barbell. There was some jumping that I definitely don’t think I should be doing (so didn’t) and what I didn’t realise was that it really hurt my foot so I would need to get some water shoes I think that would help with that. I also didn’t notice until I was in the pool that I had blisters under both big toes – maybe from the foot reflexology that I had recently – so that didn’t feel great either. Verdict: not sure I’m going to go back to that class but will try a couple other classes (after arranging some water shoes).
PT: We did a few exercises and basically my physio reinforced how important it was to keep my back straight when doing certain things. So he corrected my form a bit and then we agreed that I would bring my workout program with me next week and he could go over it to see if anything needs to be tweaked. I see him next Tuesday.
No RPM, No Pilates: basically I was doing other more pressing things at home on Tuesday and Wednesday. (Hence the stormy weather stress at home)
No Gym Thursday I had forgotten about it, but we had a “date” with Gerrit and his husband Marcel. And thank goodness, because I needed a G&T and some downtime/distraction from everything else. They brought us some gorgeous olive oil and balsamic vinegar from their recent trip to Italy (I took care of their houseplants).

New Program at the gym: I had an appointment at noon at the gym, explained my situation and basically I got a nice program to start up again. She created it so that I could also do pretty much the same at home in case I couldn’t get to the gym.
The Weekend basically I was so tired from the week, I had a really long sleep Saturday and spent the day not doing much besides re-organising my sport room. My clothes were once again terrible disorganised and things were everywhere (before I ended up going to urgent care I was in there trying to find clothes to take with me to Helsinki and that’s when things took a turn for the worse. I haven’t had the energy or strength to deal with it until now). Also when Spooky (the oldest cat) was sick, we had her in there away from the other cats so they wouldn’t bug her, so it kind of smelled like, well, old cat haha!
Finally Sunday, though I woke up too late to go to RPM, I did do my new program at home and then I went out in the lovely wind and rain with Ron to get his last long run in.

Coming up Next Week
Basically I am not going to make much of a plan because we leave for Chicago Wednesday. But the week will look at bit like this:
- Monday – gym after work
- Tuesday – PT
- Wednesday – Travel Day
- Thursday – ???
- Friday – Chicago Marathon Expo Day – hopefully catch Kim and Michelle there as well.
- Saturday – Chicago International 5K Run. Don’t worry I’m walk/shuffling it.
- Sunday – course support, will likely cover at least 10 miles myself on my feet getting around the course to see Ron and hopefully others.
Next week is also London Marathon Ballot Week! Of course we won’t get in. This is just our yearly game we play! (can you imagine? I don’t even want to run a marathon in April next year… I’ll probably get in now)

Last but not least, I’ll leave you with a photo of Charlie. I have these storage boxes from Ikea that are usually filled with running clothes, but last week I found Spooky in an empty one so I moved it into my bedroom and put her blanket in there. But guess who decided to use that space instead?

How was your week? Anything positive happen? Tell me! I would love to have some good, positive stories to get me out of my funk. What’s your next big race coming up? Or are you working on something else at the moment?
Check out if your pool has that pool running class. It would be better than any weight bearing exercise! I hope you have a better week.
there is an aqua jogging class – I’m just worried that it’s average age 72… nothing wrong with “old” people mind you… After Chicago I’ll be checking it out.
Still thinking of you nonstop. Hoping your recovery continues on a fantastic path ;-) I wish I lived near Chicago, cuz I’d be there in a heartbeat to hunt you down at the expo ;-) Wishing you and Ron safe travels!!
Thank you Kim! I “have” to come back next year so let’s see what we can do to get over to Iowa while we are in the States!
It sounds like you made the most of a rough week. I like Wendy’s pool running idea — I’ve heard good things about it. I hope you have a great time in Chicago and get some sunny and cool fall weather — but maybe clouds on Sunday for Ron so it’s not too warm.
Thanks Coco. Am going to make the best of it. Hopefully the weather will cooperate!
That pie chart for the London Marathon just made me LMAO! We should know by tomorrow – we have to keep hope alive! :)
I’m so sorry that things have been stressful. I hope that this next week is better and I can’t wait to see you on Saturday!
Thanks Kim! by the way did you get notice yet?!?? I’m thinking tomorrow (Wednesday)? I don’t even want to run it next year but it’s making me nuts not knowing. This week is going better and now I just need to get through the actual travel portion and be in Chicago to really start enjoying my vacation. Hopefully see you Friday but definitely Saturday.
I’m sorry things have been stressful. You deserve a break my friend!
I’ll definitely message you about catching up at the expo – you cannot come all this way and I not get to see you!
Thanks Michelle. I think so too! And don’t worry we will definitely meet up!!
I’m going to be working in the Now Foods booth at the Chi expo on Friday until 2pm. Stop by if you can, I’d love to see you. That aqua class sounded promising. Sorry it wasn’t great.
I will try to get there before 2pm! would be lovely to see you again and give you a big hug! Too bad about the swim class. I’ll try the others and if all no go then I’ll just do some lane swimming in the morning a couple of times a week. I just dread having to bike up the stupid hill to get to the pool at 6:30 in the morning! haha!
Charlie is so cute! It’s very odd in our house with no cat now, but I am so not ready for another animal (ever?). Did you get the edge of Storm Lorenzo? We were meant to in Cornwall then it went north and missed us so we had a bonus OK weather day! Have fun in Chicago and give Sir Mo a cheer if you spot him! Oh, I’m also looking forward to my Marathon Fail top arriving from the London Marathon people (I did the donate your fee to the chairty and get an extra chance to not get in then we send you a top thing you can do).
Really Ron is the one always asking for a new kitty. But after a while one just gives in. But your grief is still so fresh Liz. It will take time. You’ll know when it’s right, if ever. We were supposed to have a bit of trouble from Lorenzo but I heard nothing about it further/ Thank you so much. If I see Mo i’ll definitely cheer for him. Did you get your rejection top yet??? I don’t think it’s an option for non-brits or I’d have 5 by now :)
Rejection top received! I am going in the running club ballot, however!
Sorry about the stressful week , it sounds rough :( I hope this week is less stormy, both inside and outside! I hope you have a good trip to Chicago :)
thanks Chaitali! it’s been a bit better but I’ll be happy to get the flying part out of the way so I can finally relax!
You never know about London…maybe you will ;-) We all take chances when we put in for marathon lotteries, but Law of Averages says if we try enough times, most likely we will get in one day!
still waiting with baited breath! would be quite funny to get in now that I really don’t want to run any spring marathon next year! we’ll see!
Positive things… well, hubby brought home a kitten (abandoned at his workplace) so we could foster it. Kids and I fell in love with him, so we’ve officially taken him in. He is the cutest and so playful and full of life. We have 3 dogs so that was my biggest worry, but all three (including the HUGE basset hound) are quite terrified of the kitten, LOL.
Safe trip to Chicago – I’m really looking forward to your meet up with other bloggers! How incredible is it that through running and blogging we have made so many connections around the world! On Sunday, I’m going for a run with a lady from Germany who is attending a conference in Gaborone this week.
Really hoping for a less stormy week for you. Hang in there xxx
ohhhhh you have a kitty too! what’s his name?
thank you so much! every time I read your blog I’m thinking “I really need to go to Botswana”. What if we actually would find a race we could do that we both could travel to??? you know I love to travel and run! I keep saying that I want to go back to Kigali and do the marathon there but then again there are so many places on the continent I want to go to! Life is short. Think about it :) Have fun on your run in any case with your German friend.
it’s been a bit better this week. tomorrow we travel. Thursday I can finally relax :)
Hope your trip to Chicago is wonderful and that the weather cooperates for the race. The year I ran the Chicago Marathon it was 39 degrees (F) and raining. The winner of the race slipped on the wet pavement right at the finish line (they had painted the race logo on the road) and hit his head on the pavement. He had to be taken from the course by ambulance, but at least his chip crossed the finish line as he fell!
Hope next week is less stressful!
thank you so much! omg what a story, seriously??? guess they don’t do that anymore! I’m prepared for all weather. At least I think so! ha!
things are a bit better. slowly but surely!
I’ve been seeing a few things on Instagram about the London lottery. They send you something if you’re rejected? Your cat is adorable!!!
Stress sucks. I get it. Love your cat. So adorable. I hope you enjoy your trip to Chicago. Not sure if i will make it to the expo but for sure I will be spectating on Sunday.
Sorry this has been a rough week! And Im sure not being able to run doesn’t help things at all:( I hope you have a good time in Chicago!
I am sorry you’ve joined me on the stressmobile. Not fun. But life, and this too shall pass.
We used to have boxes everywhere for the cats.
I hope you can enjoy your time in Chicago, I know it’s going to be very bittersweet.