Pretty much the same, right?
I don’t mean that in a negative or positive way, just neutral. So for some positivity, let’s just go to the Weekly Run Down! Because I can tell you that reconnecting with blogger friends (and in-person friends) really makes things feel positive! That’s kind of what this week was about!
Deborah and Kim are the amazing hosts for the Weekly Run Down! Feel free to join in as well to wrap up your week in fitness!
Plan vs. Actual
Monday – 3.25KM walk, GLI gym 1 hr intake – no workout (appt w/different PT), 3.5KM biking
Tuesday – 3KM walk (office day) to and from train station
Wednesday – 3KM walk, W6R1 run, 6KM, GLI 1 hour, gym 55 min
Thursday – 2.22KM walk, gym
Friday – 2.75KM walk, W6R2 run , gym 55 min
Saturday – 2.5KM walk, parkrun in Alkmaar 5KM, 17/17 Dutch parkruns done!
Sunday – 2KM walk, long run W6R3, 1.4KM w/u walk, 10KM run (!!!)

Hooray for the 2nd week of the New Year!
I didn’t actually make an official plan for the week, but it’s something I would like to do in the very near future. Let’s do this step by step though.
It was another extremely busy week at work; I had hoped it would be calmer but no dice. So I walked a lot.
Monday – Walk 6KM
Normally I would have gone for a walk during lunch but I specifically wanted to go today after work so I could not only get my 10K steps in but also pick up a cake for Ron’s birthday. I could have made a cake myself, but I really want to support the local businesses that are suffering the most due to the pandemic. AND… I wanted to surprise Ron a bit since we could hardly celebrate it.

Tuesday After work walk 6.5KM
Ron’s Birthday! I brought the cake over to a neighbor’s house so that he could in turn drop it off early in the AM — the first surprise for Ron! And he loved the cake (it was delicious)!

I also had asked Wendy and Vincent to drop by, so at least he would have a couple of visitors for his birthday (we are allowed 2 people in our house with the lockdown). But of course The Boy had asked Ron if he could also come over and I couldn’t say no because then he would have known something was up. Luckily all three only overlapped for about 20 minutes and we all sat distanced from each other. Super low-key birthday, but what can you do?
Wednesday – Lunch Walk 4.3KM, After work on TM 2.2KM
I had been talking about doing Bodypump and today was the day but unfortunately I fell down the stairs (already! ugh!!) on Tuesday and mostly bent the toe that doesn’t usually bend on the left foot and smashed the heel of my right foot. Nothing broken, only hurt like a mofo, But yeah, no bodypump, just yet.

Thursday – Walk 7KM
The last of the stress days at work. Finally light at the end of the tunnel. Today I also had a date with my dear friend Gerrit. We haven’t seen each other for a while (he came over once with his husband when we first moved in, but that was the first time we’d really seen each other since Feb last year).
We met up in the park after work and had such a great chat and walk. On the last bit of the walk when I was heading home alone I had the feeling I was getting a blister (because sore toes from falling down the stairs wasn’t enough LOL!). Sure enough when I got home and checked, big fat blister on my pinky toe! I noticed I was wearing my L/R socks on the wrong feet as well. Do you think that really makes a difference?? I figured it was just marketing! Ha!

Friday – Bodypump Remix 40min, Walk 5.5KM
Finally my foot felt good enough to do Bodypump!! And, late last week Deborah had mentioned what kind of workout shoes she used, which reminded me in a roundabout way that I’d meant to buy indoor workout shoes ages ago, I ordered them last weekend and they were ready and waiting for me to use.
Happy to report bodypump didn’t kill me and I actually enjoyed it! I will have to modify a few things still but all in all it was like reuniting with an old friend!
Sadly my sporty room is not as big as we had originally thought (though we had the measurements and worked it out several times on how much room we needed for the bike and treadmill), so I still had to do it in the living room. Right now that’s fine; I used the couch for modified pushups, but eventually I’ll need to figure out how I’ll do the full workout in the space I have.

Around 4pm I also headed out to meet up with my friend Marie-Jose; another friend I hadn’t seen in absolutely forever! We actually now only live 250 meters away from each other so we plan to meet up more regularly! Obviously still being careful and following the rules. I wanted to hug her (and Gerrit, Thursday) so badly! I miss hugging.
Saturday – Run 5.5KM, walk 2.2KM, spin bike 40min/12/5KM
Triple Treat! Of course first up was notparkrun and my first run of the week (thanks to the Stairs Incident) and the first run of Week 7 of the rehab program. 2 x 15 min with 1 min walking in between. With the warmup and cooling down, I ran a total of 5.5KM. Then I went and took care of an errand, so set my watch on to “walk”, picked up some food items and then finally arrived back home a few KM’s later.

After doing a few things in the house (of course, we are still busy with painting and constructing…) I then jumped on the spin bike for a virtual biking session with a lovely bunch of blogger friends. Icing on the cake!
Sunday – Walk 6KM
It snowed Saturday night! I expected to walk in a glorious winter wonderland but unfortunately it all melted by the morning. And… the DOMS from Bodypump was in full force and the toes weren’t fully cooperating on the left foot, so the “long walk” was a normal 10K steps walk of 6KM. It was a nice walk but my feet were sore and the quads had had enough.
After I got home I used my roll recovery on my quads (ouch) and eventually did a couple more small jobs in the house.
Walking 39.7KM
Running 5.5K
Bodypump 1 x 40 min
Spin bike 1 x 40 min 12.5km
Total steps: 80.646 (avg 11.520 per day)
Coming up Next Week
My idea for next week is something like this:
Walking +/- 30KM
Running 2x (Week 7 Run 2 and Week 8 Run 1)
Bodypump 1 or 2 times
A workout that Marcia posted yesterday on YouTube
And of course the idea is to hit my 10K steps per day with all that walking and running
Oh and I signed up for a 10K Valentines Run with NNRuningDay – eep!!!

No snow here either! I kind of make a plan for the week but I try to stay flexible. Glad you are feeling like you are back on track. I have fallen down the stairs before too-ugh. Take care and have a strong week!
I still need a bit more fire within myself to make a real schedule. the runs and walks are no problem, it’s the rest; and I know I do need it! Sorry that you have stair falling experience too. No fun!!
Ouch to your fall down the stairs! Glad you didn’t get seriously hurt. So I noticed last week my Feetures socks felt weird and yep, turns out I had them on the wrong feet. Who knew? On closer look, i saw an elastic panel at the arch point of the socks. So there you go.
yeah there must be a reason more than marketing??? I’m glad I didn’t get seriously hurt as well, but I have to say my big toe is really whacked since then :(
Sorry about your fall, but glad you felt good enough to get in some body pump later in the week! It’s only snowed here once so far in December. Hope this week is a good one for you!
Thanks Lisa! It’s definitely much colder where you are I think! I suppose you don’t really need to have snow added to the mix!
Happy Birthday to Ron! That cake looked so yummy.
Sorry to hear about your fall down the stairs – I know that had to be scary! I’m glad that it wasn’t too bad and that you’re okay.
Thanks! yes the cake WAS delish! and yes the fall could have been worse so I’m glad I got that out of the way haha! (it was inevitable)
We got a dumping of snow on Thursday, and more on Friday and and a light dusting overnight last night. It does look pretty, but I’m ready for it to just melt and disappear for another 11 months LOL Our temps have been hovering between just under/just over freezing, so it melts, then the roads freeze overnight and yadda yadda yadda. But, overall, the temps have been very mild for January, so I have no grounds for complaining. Total bummer on the stair fall, OUCH! Ron’s cake looks kind of sinful, in a delicious way ;-)
Also can’t complain much about the weather but… the rain is kind of annoying!! We’ve hardly had any freezing and then only one evening of snow! The cake was delish – maybe I have to arrange another one for our anniversary in March!
Hmmm… it looks like my comment vanished into thin air! It’s great to have you blogging again! I’m so sorry that you fell on the stairs, but thankful you’re healing nicely. Hope to see you on another virtual ride soon!
Strange – I don’t know why my blog is blocking certain comments. Kim H is having the same problem! Thanks – good to be back! and yes hopefully “see” you again soon!
Oh no, sorry about the stairs and the blister. I have this weird quirk that if something is labeled L and R that I have to follow instructions…but there’s no way that could have caused the blister. I’ve also found myself much more open to getting takeout than cooking from scratch these days. At first it seemed so extravagant to get takeout once a week, but then I realized that there is no way that we’re ever going to spend more on takeout than we used to spend on travel, so we’re rolling with it.
Thanks! Normally I do wear L on the Left and R on the Right but I must have been in a hurry when I put my socks on haha! And yes this is also why we do takeout occasionally; we hardly spend any money on anything but groceries (and paint and other DIY stuff). Plus restaurants and cafes can really use our support so it’s fine for now.
OMG that fall! Be careful. I thought the L/R on the socks was just a marketing thing. How are the cats adjusting to the new place?
I thought it was marketing too! but maybe there are special seams. who knows?? The cats are split on opinions. Charlie and Leo love running up and down the stairs and finding new spots to play in and lay around. Priscilla and Nena often stay curled up on the bed downstairs but lately Nena comes up in the morning and then sits with us the whole day while we work. They all love the bathroom for some reason :D And Leo has made sure to jump up on the counter every.single.time. we walk out of the kitchen haha!
How did I miss that you have 4 cats? Mateo loves the bathroom too. There are times I go in and see him sleeping on the mat. So weird.
How could you miss that I have four cats? haha!!
yes! I have found them all laying on the mat at some point (not together)! And Priscilla loves sitting on the toilet haha!
Well, I new you had cats but not 4. :-) The toilet? Haha!!
So sorry you fell, but it sounds like you recovered quickly, so that’s good. I don’t think wearing the socks on the wrong feet would cause the blister but who knows? Ouch!
It’s always hard when you move, trying to figure out where to put everything. I know it usually takes me years! But I love what you’ve done with your home.
Thanks Judy. I’m glad nothing serious happened. And the blister healed but I think I’ll make sure I’m wearing my toe socks on walks as well as runs from now on.
I have to keep reminding Ron that we just moved here. It will take time to get everything in it’s place. At the moment we still need to really do up the room downstairs that’s still in construction-mode. After that we need new doors. And once everything is done we can empty more boxes.
Happy birthday to Ron, and I am so glad you didn’t really hurt yourself when you fell down the stairs! That brought up baaad memories for me :(
I’m so glad you are getting to see some friends. I miss hugging, too. I feel so awkward when we see people.
Thanks Jenn! I thought about you immediately when I fell :( I am sorry you were triggered a bit.
it is so awkward sometimes seeing friends. They are going through things and I just want to hug. But we can’t take risks right now. :(
Well, look at it this way- you fell down the stairs and didn’t break anything- it must mean your bones are strong! Hope your foot feels good and you can get your runs in this week.
yes! happy to have good strong bones! thanks!
We don’t have a ton of snow, but what we do have just hangs around. This is our coldest day of the winter so far, which isn’t saying much but it feels pretty raw out there with the wind. Yikes! Sorry about the stairs. Glad it wasn’t worse.
Happy Birthday to Ron! What a fun pic and a delicious looking cake!
I figured the stairs would happen sooner or later!
And thanks! He’s still got a chub face in this pic!! so young!
I’m so sorry about your fall and so happy you weren’t seriously hurt!
I try to make a weekly plan for my workouts but stay pretty flexible. I try to take advantage of the weather as much as possible. So far we’ve had a pretty mild winter here – no snow.
Happy Birthday to Ron!
Thanks Michelle. Could have been worse, for sure. Just need to be more careful now.
Seems planning really is key. I can definitely plan my walks and runs, it’s the other stuff I’m struggling with!
I’m sorry about your fall! I’m glad you weren’t hurt :-)
I like to plan my weekly workouts because if I don’t plan them out I will get lazy and not do them! But I also leave room for flexibility because I like to change things up if I’m feeling tired and want to work out after work instead of before as well.
Thanks Montana. I’m very lucky I didn’t get hurt!
I do see the benefit of planning workouts. I am not in a place yet where that’s happening but feel like it’s coming soon. I also definitely need flexibility to switch things up.