WRD: Week 10:2021 Psycho Weather qu’est-ce que c’est?

So yeah. What about that nice spring weather we had a couple of weeks ago? That was a fluke. Or maybe I’m just remembering the season incorrectly. We are in full-on psycho weather mode here in The Netherlands. Several times this week I either had to beat the weather or do a pretty intensive resistance training outside walking in the wind. Welcome to springtime! It is what it is and we walk or run anyway…

Also, if you don’t have this song in your head right now are you even Gen X?

Weekly Run Down Time!

Weekly Run Down Blogger Linkup
Join us for the Weekly Run Down!

Deborah and Kim are the amazing hosts for the Weekly Run Down! Feel free to join in as well to wrap up your week in fitness!


Plan vs. Actual

Monday – 3.25KM walk, GLI gym 1 hr intake – no workout (appt w/different PT), 3.5KM biking
Tuesday – 3KM walk (office day) to and from train station
Wednesday – 3KM walk, W6R1 run, 6KM, GLI 1 hour, gym 55 min
Thursday – 2.22KM walk, gym
Friday – 2.75KM walk, W6R2 run , gym 55 min
Saturday – 2.5KM walk, parkrun in Alkmaar 5KM, 17/17 Dutch parkruns done!
Sunday 2KM walk, long run W6R3, 1.4KM w/u walk, 10KM run (!!!)

Week 10 = week of pi

Monday – AM walk 3.14KM, Bodystep 30 min (LMOD)Strength Training – lower body 40 min
Tuesday – AM walk 3.14KM, RPM 87, mobility training 25 min
Wednesday – 5.50KM run (3.14 miles + a bit ha!)
Thursday – Lunch walk 4KM, Strength Training – upper body 30 min
Friday – AM walk 4KM, 10 min yoga stretch
Saturday – 5KM notparkrun (officially 5.05km/3/14 miles + 1.4 warmup + cool down), Lunch/Afternoon walk 5KM
Sunday – 6.2KM walk, maybe RPM later


This week we were back on our Wednesday schedule for running. Since I wanted to go a tiny bit further, we ran the perimeter of the park (which is about 1 kilometer +/- of steep uphill) for 3.5 KM and then 2KM inside the park (but the opposite way of the parkrun route for some variety). I was quite proud of myself for running all the way through, even up that d*#m hill.

Saturday we were off at notparkrun again. The weather forecast said rain alllllll day and sure enough when we woke up at 7am the rain was hitting up against the bedroom windows – not a particularly motivating sound!

(not)parkrun, before covid, happens no matter the weather, so our distanced meet-up with Micheál, Jana and Jeho was on, regardless. At 8am it stopped raining and at 8:30 when we started the sun came out! By the time we were done and headed home the clouds started covering the sun again. A Lucky Sunny Run! And… another 32 seconds off last weeks time. Not sure it will continue like this but it’s fun to see the progression still!


Since it’s the #weekofpi (Kim’s birthday week!) My goal was to walk a minimum of 3.14KM each day and I managed that! I even had 3 morning walks. Friday morning wasn’t super early but Monday and Tuesday both before work.

Monday Morning – Usually you see these buildings in the distance from my Sonsbeek park photos
Overcast morning on Tuesday
I don’t look as blown away as I felt on Thursdsy!
Friday morning before it started storming again

Sunday I was again constantly looking at the weather app and finally found a window of time where it wasn’t going to be pouring down. But the sky really couldn’t make up its mind.

I didn’t fully go into Klarendal this week, so the Windmill is a bit further away today in this photo:

Strength and Spin

This week was again Monday lower body, Tuesday mobility, Thursday upper body. On Monday I also tried bodystep (again – the first time back in the old house) before I did the strength workout.

y’all don’t want to see me attempting this. It ain’t pretty.

Tuesday we were back in the Team Pie Gym for an awesome RPM session while Ron got some km’s done on the ‘mill.

Other Stuff

Not much in home improvement this week, but we did get the base paint to start the doors. I just need to start the project now…

We also had a garden designer come and put our ideas to paper so that we can get started on that sometime soon. We’ll need to call a few professionals in since we want to make quite a few changes. Another new project that hopefully will see some life in the near future.

big plans for lots of outdoor relaxation time

Also? Looks like a few members of this household like not having a table in the living room at the moment.

Stats this week:
Walking: 25.5 KM
Running 11.3KM
Bodypump 0 but 2 strength and 1 bodystep
Spin bike 1 x RPM*
Total steps: 74,955 (avg: 10,707 daily)*

*at the time of publishing

That’s a wrap!

How was your week? Has your weather also gone psycho? Do you have a professionally designed yard or did you do it yourself? We know minus-nothing about gardening so for us it made sense to go in this direction.

17 thoughts on “WRD: Week 10:2021 Psycho Weather qu’est-ce que c’est?

  1. I think we have identical cats.

    I tried to do 3.14 everyday. I think I did except for maybe Friday.

    Our weather is totally psycho. It’s spring, then it’s winter. Even saw snowflakes today. Last week it was almost 70.

  2. We’re looking forward to psycho weather this week…it’s supposed to snow and rain tomorrow. Sounds lovely. Glad it’s a CrossFit day.

    Great job on the progression with your runs. Right now, I’m happy to not have regression, lol!

  3. I do have that song in my head, thank you very much! I think we listened to very similar music back in the day. ;-)

    Nice going on those runs and walks. Our March weather usually is all over the place, so having all the weather is par for the course.

  4. You really rocked the Pi this week (thanks for playing along!!). Our weather was pretty nice (warm), but the wind was a bit crazy. I awoke to the sound of rain on our skylight this morning, so I know what you mean about it not being a welcoming sound LOL Our landscaping has been all of my ideas…but I’m thinking it might be time to bring a few ideas/suggestions from some professionals. Anxious to see what you do!

  5. We need to call someone to plan out our landscaping…we just keep putting it off. We’ve had a pretty abrupt start to spring around here, it’s just a little chilly and a little windy.

  6. aww, your kitty looks so happy in the living room! We’ve used a designer on our yard, even though its small. It was helpful to get some professional direction!

  7. Really great work this week, Renee! Congrats on shaving more time off your run. Love the photo of your husband & cat — see, no coffee table isn’t really that bad, LOL!

    Yes, our weather was very psycho. But we had some sunny & warm days, and then Winter-like this weekend and today. Woke up to feels like negative temps. Sunny & windy, of course — thankfully not a run day for me today. :)

  8. We’ve had such lovely weather lately….until today the wind is whipping and snow is flying again. I think we’re only supposed to get maybe 3″ but it’s horrible out right now that we’ve had a taste of spring.
    We had a designer do our front yard plan. It really offended me because I got my Master Gardener cert. years ago and I know my way around plants. Hubby’s taste is more “modern” than mine so I let him do something with a designer. What’s left of it maybe 10 years later is nice but many things died. Hmph. Can you tell it’s still a bit of a sore spot?

  9. Oh we have had the same weather of course – the WIND! Argh! We are rubbish at gardening and have a dark dark DARK back garden. I am going to try veg again this year but haven’t managed to actually start that yet …

  10. The weather’s been all over the place – I really don’t remember March being this windy!

    Congrats on cutting some more time off your run – you’re making great progress!

    That’s great that you’re working with a garden designer. We worked with one when we first moved into our house to get some ideas on how to use the space. – it was so helpful.

  11. I’m going to start using the phrase “psycho weather mode” LOL! It’s kind of the same here, but the only good thing is that it’s still nice and sunny outside even though it’s cold. It’s been super windy though!

    Awesome job on your run!! Always nice to see all your hard work paying off :)

  12. We did design our own lawn and garden. Then, 10 years later we had to pull out a lot of the landscaping because it was too big! Looking back, we should have had a professional pick it out :) Great job on your run this week! That’s a big drop in time!

  13. That pic of you on Thursday with your pink hair, matching scarf, and cute hat – gorgeous!

    Can’t wait to see what cool outdoor space you create! We bought our house from the owner of a local landscaping company and I spent the first two years removing plants. It was so over the top for our taste. I kept a few of the really unique plants and now they’re focal points – before they were just boxed in with everything else.

    Yeah, our weather has been all over the place as well after last week’s beautiful days.

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