WRD: Week 31+32:2021 More of the Same

Unfortunately I missed updating last week because I just couldn’t fit everything in. And I don’t want to post my own blog if I know I won’t have time to properly go to other’s blogs!

A condensed version of the last two weeks

I could update everything but it’s all too much. Rest assured I’m still trying to keep up with work, running, walking, parkrun and social media. But there is also taking care of my recovery with cryo and MLD and trying to spend time with my guy (besides running) as well.

Since I missed two weeks, I’ll just post the highlights. If you follow me on Instagram, then you know about all this and the in between as well.

Let’s get on with the WRD, shall we?

Weekly Run Down Blogger Linkup
Join us for the Weekly Run Down!

Deborah and Kim are the amazing hosts for the Weekly Run Down! Feel free to join in as well to wrap up your week in fitness!


Plan vs. Actual

Monday – 3.25KM walk, GLI gym 1 hr intake – no workout (appt w/different PT), 3.5KM biking
Tuesday – 3KM walk (office day) to and from train station
Wednesday – 3KM walk, W6R1 run, 6KM, GLI 1 hour, gym 55 min
Thursday – 2.22KM walk, gym
Friday – 2.75KM walk, W6R2 run , gym 55 min
Saturday – 2.5KM walk, parkrun in Alkmaar 5KM, 17/17 Dutch parkruns done!
Sunday 2KM walk, long run W6R3, 1.4KM w/u walk, 10KM run (!!!)

Fitness for week 31

Monday – RPM 85 (modified), 3.25KM walk
Tuesday – C25K Week 3 Run 1 –4.5KM, approx 4.5KM walking after work
Wednesday – RPM 85 (complete), 3.75KM bike
Thursday – C25K Week 3 Run 2 – 5KM, 3.75KM bike
Friday – 7.5KM walk (total)
Saturday –C25K Week 2 Run 3+ 5KM parkrun, 3.75KM bike
Sunday – various biking 7.35

RPM – 2x
Bodypump – 0
Running – 14.5KM
Walking – 14.25KM
Biking – 18.6KM

Fitness for week 31

Monday – lunch walk 3.25KM, various biking 14.25KM
Tuesday – C25K Week 4 Run 1 –4.5KM, biking 3.75KM
Wednesday – C25K Week Run 2 – 5.4KM, biking 4.9KM
Thursday – various biking 8.75KM
Friday – walk in Lisse with Yvonne 4.85KM
Saturday –Kagerzoom (Leiden) parkrun tail walker 5KM
Sunday – not. a. thing.

RPM – 0
Bodypump – 0
Running – 9.8KM
Walking – 13.1KM
Biking – 31.65KM


It’s going. I think once I go for my final follow up I’ll only post about my recovery occasionally. Not too much to report. I’m still going to cryotherapy and MLD. Somewhere between week 9PO and 10PO a tiny part of my incision opened which was kind of a bummer but it’s already closed again. I also started using silicone tape on my scar. Apparently if the MLD therapist recommends it, I can possibly claim it on my insurance. Whoo hoo! (cause that stuff is expensive).

not a huge difference – still a bit swollen, now with silicone on most of the incision, tiny opening on the left side (right on the photo since it’s mirrored)

More of the same

As I said, the last two weeks have been basically all about work, trying to fit in movement, taking care of Gerrit and Marcel’s kitty and parkrun stuff (including social media, meetings with the parkrun country manager, trying to recruit more volunteers). I also went into the office again last week and will go again next week. I haven’t managed to do RPM this week at all nor bodypump. I want to do those things I just don’t want to make myself fit EVERYTHING in because then none of this extra stuff is fun anymore.

I also did not make it 3 times running this week but am re-thinking the C25K (again) because I don’t know if it’s helping or hindering. Sometimes I want to just go out and try to see how far I get. I am 90% sure I want to join the Beginners+ training group at Runiversity, but I do need to run 5KM in one go or be really close to doing so to join. Training starts on August 30th…

Highlights of Week 31

  • Completing RPM on the 2nd day I did it, after the first time had to be modified. I did not die afterwards. I almost puked, but did not die. This is the reason I want to keep doing RPM
  • Kralingsebos parkrun in Rotterdam

On Friday of week 31 one of the parkrun team in Nijmegen asked me if I was going to run a “live” event. I mentioned I was going to Rotterdam because I had a friend there whom I hadn’t seen for a while and he was keen to go as well. When she asked if she could come with me I was more than happy to oblige. So I was up at 5:45 Saturday morning, picked her up at Arnhem station 7am and we set off for the 100KM journey.

We arrived in plenty of time to meet the team and find the facilities (because, after an hour or so in the car, a girl’s gotta go), my friend showed up at the last minute (as I suspected he would haha) and parkrun was a go! I love the city of Rotterdam anyway, but the area where parkrun is held is so nice and also a part of the Rotterdam marathon route (and 10K which I’ve run). We did get a teeny-tiny bit of rain but it wasn’t bad at all. A lovely one round of 5km.

Afterwards, they go to a Dutch Pancake House, which is basically the best idea ever!! We went for coffee and food, met some nice people and had a good chat. At some point it was time for Lisette and I to head back to the East. We had a great chat on the way back as well and suddenly we were back in Arnhem. Felt like a whole day had passed and it was only 1pm!

Highlights of Week 32

  • Going to Lisse on Friday, staying over with Yvonne
  • Kagerzoom parkrun in Leiden

Yvonne lives in Lisse which is pretty far away from me, and we don’t always get to see each other but since covid and once we *could* actually see each other again we’ve really been making efforts to come together. Life is short and my priorities have changed slightly.

Anyway, because Lisse is near Leiden, we planned for me to come out on Friday and spend the night which gave us a good chance to hang out and gab. And on Saturday, of course, we could go together to parkrun! Not only did she sign up, but she got her mom and sister to sign up too.

On Friday after dinner we had a lovely walk in town. This area of The Netherlands is definitely where you see a LOT of flowers (the famous Keukenhof is here) and tons of windmills. Even after 27 years it doesn’t get old!

On Saturday morning we headed out to the parkrun location where we met the team there and I donned my high-vis vest to indicate I was the tail walker.

They have an amazing course, along a golf course so very green (we were only advised to watch out for flying balls haha) and very idyllic with a windmill, cows, goats, sheet and water. I LOVED it. And I loved that I could participate and volunteer! Yvonne loved it too and will very likely be going again.

After parkrun coffee was at the recreational area’s cafe (inside a tennis and bowling center). Perfect location and again met and chatted with some really nice people. That’s what I love about parkrun. Making connections!

Next Week

Gerrit and Marcel are back so my bike kilometers will go down again and I will **most definitely** be on my spin bike a couple of times. And… I really, really, really am intent on seeing how bodypump will go with my recovery. I just need to DO IT.

Also still thinking about the running plan, but there will be some kilometers run as well.

And… the biggest deal of next week? GO LIVE Sonsbeek parkrun!!! Nervous, excited… everything in between!!

Just for fun

I’ve been collecting memes and funny photos as I was inspired by Kim – this was one of my favorite funny photos of last week

particularly funny since the “pet” in this photo actually looks like my stepson!

That’s a wrap!

How’ve you been? Do you find it hard to keep up with blogging when you have too much going on in your life? Or do you have some tips for someone struggling with that? Asking for a friend haha!

19 thoughts on “WRD: Week 31+32:2021 More of the Same

  1. I wrote a lot of posts way ahead of time, knowing how busy this month would be. Just don’t ask me what I wrote about because dang if I know!

    Those pancakes look amazing. And that mural with the flowers! Thanks for sharing, Renee. Good luck with the Parkrun! You are doing a GREAT job!

    1. I Just don’t always know what to write about. That’s what makes it hard for me to do things in advance. The pancakes were definitely amazing! Thank you so much Judy!

  2. Love seeing all the action you’ve been up to ;-) And, can I just say, you’re one of my fav ‘biker chicks?’ That mural, complete with the pretty wooden shoes, is amazing!!

    1. Thanks Kim! I’m ready for some other action that involves having a schedule though I have to say!

  3. Sometimes, when I am busier, I am more motivated to write and get things done. It’s a great outlet for me. You have been busy and it looks like a lot of fun social stuff too.

    1. I definituely love the outlet! I just struggle to prioritise things sometimes! It’s been fun socially for sure but I’m ready for my regularly scheduled programming again!

  4. Love all your Parkrun pics — and the windmills. And those pancakes! I did C25K two years ago — I can’t remember how long I stuck with it, but I know I didn’t stick it through to the end. I needed to start with intervals, but was in better shape for the intervals of the program. I hope you figure out what works for you.

    1. Thanks Coco. Unfortunately C25K may need to be abandoned. I may need to just bite the bullet and try to run 5KM. I want to join a 7 week training program but I have to be able to do 5KM in order to do so.

  5. I seriously considered skipping this week’s rundown, because yes, SO much going on and I’m going in a million directions. Glad you made time for some fun stuff. Truly there is nothing better than a Dutch pancake house. I wish I remembered the name of my favorite one in Amsterdam. It was amazing!

  6. The Dutch Pancake House sounds so cool, and look at that huge pancake! That’s literally my idea of a perfect brunch :)
    I’ve been struggling getting my Tuesday Topics post done on time because it’s been such a busy month so I totally relate to what you’re saying.

    1. I think having a pancake house to go to after parkrun is the best idea ever! our cafe has pancakes but sadly not like this!! As for my Friday posts, I am going to TRY to get some drafts going at least and then I can just add as I have time. But it’s tough with a lot going on.

    1. Thanks Michelle! Never tire of windmills! Work has slowed down a wee bit but that’s basically because the entirety of Europe is on vacation! ha! I’ve got a few days off coming up so at least I can have a little mini-break sometime soon.

  7. Oh yes, I’ve fallen off my blogging schedule these last couple weeks. My life has been crazy busy! Things will calm down for us soon… I hope.
    Love that pancake!!! What an incredibly fun day. Sounds like your life isn’t just busy, but full of good things. Thanks for posting when you can- love the photos as always!

    1. It’s tough. Good thing blogging is not my job, I’d be fired by now! And you are right – I’m busy with fun and good things. For that I’m grateful :)

    1. yeah I sometimes really cannot keep up. try as I might. but it’s not my job and I don’t make any money doing it so … hahaha! thank you! hope you can get over here at some point!! which is your home parkrun? I have a parkrun Nijmegen friend who started in Birmingham. Cannon Hill I think. She loved it so much she doesn’t want to change her home event!

  8. Busy and fun weeks for you! Life gets in the way. :-) I understand. I’ve also missed a few Tuesday and Friday posts. I don’t like to miss but sometimes you have to.

    1. totally agree with you. and we have to choose what is important at that moment right?

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