Fit Five Friday – June Runfessions

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It’s that time of week again! Hopefully you’ve been enjoying this new link up with your FIVE amazing hosts – me, My First 5K and MoreRunning With Attitude,  Runs with Pugs, and Zenaida ! Feel free to join in on the fun!

This week we have the bonus link up,  Marcia’s Runfessional!

And of course a great excuse for me to try to communicate with the outside world again!

join the monthly runfessional!

Every month Marcia opens the runfessional – a place to let it all out and cleanse your soles; if you are needing to release some sweaty secrets or just want to get things off your chest, here’s the place to do it! 

Let’s do this!

Runfession #1 – maybe not so much a runfession as many of you already know, but I’ve been sidelined again – this time with the corona virus.

Yep, even though I am normally very careful and I still try to limit my exposure, I have been doing more things lately. A couple of weeks ago I had a jam-packed week. I had the following

  • Day at the office (train, office (so loads of people)
  • RPM class at the gym (kissing my RPM instructor)
  • Homeowner’s Association meeting (just one other person)
  • Elton John Concert (obviously thousands of people) with 2 friends
  • Lunch out with a friend
  • parkrun + coffee afterwards with about 15+ people
  • Nacht van de mode – Street party was with about 10+ people

I did not have symptoms that indicated to me that I had corona. I woke up on the Sunday with a bit of a scratchy throat and just thought I had had a bit too much fun the night before at the street party (was out til 2am and drinking). The next couple of days I felt like I just had a bad cold but was testing simply because I was supposed to go to the office (decided I didn’t feel well enough anyway and stayed home) and then on Thursday I tested because we had PLANS for the weekend, y’all… that’s when the test turned positive.

Of course I didn’t isolate from Ron because I didn’t think I had corona, and now he’s sick. As soon as I tested positive I contacted everyone I could think of – that was really upsetting to even think I may have gotten someone sick. Thankfully, no one else has come back to me saying they got the virus.

I’m fine now for the. most part and went for a “run” on Thursday, but it was tough. Not so much breathing but it literally felt like I was starting over again.

Training begins again

Runfession #2 – I booked our flights for Chicago, but I runfess, I already don’t have a great feeling about the marathon. Now I know that thinking and eminating positivity is part of success. But seriously, injury, illness, hormonal weight-gain… it’s not really a recipe for success.

I will start training again properly next week. The half-marathon in Stavanger, Norway is happening. The marathon in Chicago is happening. No matter what, I’m toeing that line.

What about Shoes?

Runfession #3 – I have been raving about my Hokas for a long time. After coming out of Altras I thought Hokas were the Holy Grail of Running Sneakers. But now I feel like I’m having issues again, having more pain with my shoes again, that I may be forced into a new shoe. On Thursday’s run I actually got blisters. WITH my toe socks. HOW?

Having messed up feet doesn’t help when trying to find the perfect running shoes. Sadly I can’t just wear Brooks or Asics or Nikes. Sigh.

I need a break

Runfession #4 – After months and months of stress at work and then being sick, I realised I really need a break. It’s not a summer holiday, but a short week away, I runfess that I’ve booked us 5 nights in Basel, Switzerland to at least get a bit of a vacation feeling. It’s nuts, but only when researching parkruns in the Run the Rhine challenge did I realise that Basel is only 1 hour longer in the car than driving to Berlin or Paris. So, what the heck.

Yes, I very nerdily planned a little break based on a parkrun. We are staying about 6KM from the parkrun (which is actually across the border in Germany) so my coach has planned a “long run” for me that day, which will be running there, doing the parkrun and then running back. Exciting and terrifying at the same time to already have a 17KM run on the books 4 weeks from now.

What would you runfess?

Join the Fit Five Friday Link-up!

Here are the guidelines:

  • Your link should center around some kind of fitness (exercise, wellness, mental health, nutrition… the possibilities are endless!)
  • Please link back to your hosts! It’s the right thing to do! 
  • Share the link-up love by visiting and commenting on your hosts and at least two other Fit Five Friday bloggers!
  • Feel free to share about Fit Five Friday on your social media! Tag #FitFiveFriday to get the word out!

Here are the guidelines:

  • Your link should center around some kind of fitness (exercise, wellness, mental health, nutrition… the possibilities are endless!)
  • Please link back to your hosts! It’s the right thing to do! 
  • Share the link-up love by visiting and commenting on your hosts and at least two other Fit Five Friday bloggers!
  • Feel free to share about Fit Five Friday on your social media! Tag #FitFiveFriday to get the word out!

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12 thoughts on “Fit Five Friday – June Runfessions

  1. That’s what happened to me in December – sore throat and some low energy and BAM coronavirus. Luckily, I was only sidelined a bit (and even ran 2 -3 miles per day to keep my running streak).

    I runfess that I work Saucony Endorphin Pros in my marathon instead of my Hoka Rocket X and I loved them. I felt like I was cheating on a them – LOL

    You have plenty of time to train for Chicago. Have you considered maybe training and racing as a run/walk?

  2. Groan! So many people who never had Covid are getting it now. I think it’s just inevitable. I’m glad you’re starting to feel better.
    I also have difficult feet and can’t just wear any shoe. I’ve been pretty happy with Hokas but there’s always room for improvement- I’ll be interested to hear if you find something you like.
    Your trip to Basel with the long run/parkrun sounds so fun! You’ll have to blog about it and include lots of pictures.

  3. Hello!!! I hope you find a shoe that works, I live in fear of Sauconys going funny again. I just booked a week off – I’m not going anywhere but I just need a rest and I’d like to be among my stuff and do the Key to the City activities for this art thing we have in Birmingham this summer (you get to access exciting, secret places). I’ve got Matthew to book off, too, so I’m not spending a week trying to relax while he has meetings all day in the house …!

  4. A good friend just returned from a month-long family vacation with her grown kids (and new granddaughter). She just found out everyone tested positive…so she took a test this morning, and BOOM. She’s positive, too. It’s crazy how persistent Covid is, in terms of NOT going away. I’m glad you’re over the hump (hopefully Ron is soon, too). Good luck with your training!

  5. I’m sorry that you got COVID. Movement is good, but you also have to give yourself some time to rest & recover as well. My SIL got COVID after a Paul McCartney concert. There’s been lots & lots around lately (even with the falling cases in our area).

    I still have to be vigilant due to my mom, but I have been doing some more things lately. You do have to live, too.

    LOL about planning your vacation around Parkrun! You’re so lucky that it’s something you & your husband do together.

  6. Sorry that you got COVID. At least with the vaccines and boosters, you didn’t get very sick. Hope Ron doesn’t as well.

    Hope you stay healthy until after Chicago!!

    That sounds like a cool vacation. You could meet up with Catrina?? Keep on Running blog.

  7. So sorry about the Coronavirus but I’m glad it doesn’t seem like it’s too terribly bad. Like Erica said, you’ve got plenty of time to train for Chi. Don’t let it intimidate you. Just have fun and chip away at it, you’ll get there!

  8. I’m going to echo what Erica said–I’d do run/walk and just cross the finish line! You can do this!!!

    Glad to hear your Covid infection wasn’t too bad.

  9. You went to an Elton John concert? So jealous! He was here a few months ago (??) and I would have loved to see him too. No bueno on the virus but at least you got it before you were deep into your marathon training. You got it out of the way! :-) Have fun with your training. You still have time. I am excited for you and even more excited that we will meet!!

  10. So glad you’re on the mend. Hope Ron in as well. Planning a vacation around a run? Absolutely! Can’t wait to see Norway pics. Hugs my friend

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