Fit Five Friday – Five Powerful Fitness Tunes

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Time for another edition of Fit Five Friday! with your FIVE amazing hosts – me, My First 5K and MoreRunning With Attitude, Runs with PugsZenaida ! Feel free to join in on the fun! 

This week is a topic I LOVE to talk about – MUSIC and Five of my Favourite Fitness Tunes!

Music is such a personal preference, isn’t it? Many people regularly listen to their favourite artists or have specially made playlists for running, walking or working out. I love music and it’s always been a huge part of my life. There are a lot of songs out there with attached memories, probably one of the main reasons why I still listen to “good memory” songs all the time.

When I started running, I had a little iPod that connected with a pod in my shoe that would record my distance, let me listen to my favourite tunes AND give me prompts on when to walk and when to run. At the time I thought it was absolutely brilliant! Once I got through Couch to 5K and realised I needed different shoes than Nike’s, I just made my own playlists and had a fancy watch to help me keep time or distance.

It is therefore impossible to narrow down only 5 banging fitness tunes to share with you all today, BUT, I’m going to keep with the theme and share 5 random favourites, in no particular order –

Hey Ya! Outkast

This song has almost always been on any new playlist I make (it’s been a while since I’ve made one though, to be honest). It’s fun, it’s got a great beat to keep up your cadence, and if you feel like it you can always stop on the road and “shake it like a polaroid picture”.

Raise Your Glass, Pink

I absolutely love Pink and I love her her progression as an artist. While many of her earlier songs were on my earlier playlists, “Raise Your Glass” 100% spoke to me. I guess because sometimes I feel I’m wrong in all the right ways.

Roar, Katy Perry

This song *omg*. Even now when I listen to it I get a lump in my throat. I was never an athlete, never good at sports, always picked last for teams and made fun of because I was small and uncoordinated. But when I started running I discovered with each run that I made it a kilometre further, I was able to shake off that “loser” feeling I had when I was a kid. This song reminds me of running my first marathon. And I’ll never forget that feeling, especially when I hear this:
Now I’m floatin’ like a butterfly
Stinging like a bee, I earned my stripes
I went from zero, to my own hero

Hey Boy, Hey Girl, Chemical Brothers

I just love this banger. In fact I could get totally lost in quite a few Chemical Brothers tunes and my heart rate would likely be at the max! Reminds me of the days I could actually stand going to festivals ha!

Save Yourself, Stabbing Westward

Pretty sure I’ve set the record for most burnt calories during one song when this one comes on my playlist. And though this music is not for everyone, the message is clear – you are the only one who can save yourself. the only one who can do the work for whatever result you want.

There you have it! What are some of your most favourite thumping fitness tunes that get you really pumped up? I have so many others I could rattle off, basically albums of Depeche Mode, songs from Nine Inch Nails, Rammstein, Muse, Foo Fighters, New Order, random Eurovision songs…but I could swing into Rock/Heavy Metal as well. I’m open to anything that lights a fire under my feet!

I have one playlist on Spotify that is mostly 80’s, new wave, electronic music, if you ever want to check it out. These days I listen to playlists that are already made by others, like the one Wendy made during corona. Sometimes I even listen to *gasp* modern pop music! haha!

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12 thoughts on “Fit Five Friday – Five Powerful Fitness Tunes

  1. I love Hey Ya and just realized I don’t have it on my playlist – how did I let that happen?!?

    I so agree with what you said about having memories attached to certain songs. I have some songs that I’ll probably always listen to because of the memories they invoke.

  2. Oh yes, there are songs that instantly take me back to where I was when I first heard them. I had not thought of Pink, but she’s such an impressive artist!

  3. Yes, I have some songs from the 80s on my list (high school! Maybe they make me feel like a teenager again?) I haven’t heard of some of yours but I’ll check them out. I’m always open to suggestions!

    1. I definitely love knowing what others listen to, sometimes you want to freshen up your playlist!

  4. Great picks! I mostly listen to books and podcasts when I run, but I love hearing Roar by Katie Perry, Unstoppable and Mambo Number 5 in races among other upbeat songs.

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