WRD – Week 19/2023 Rest in Peace, Charlie

Already going to apologise for being a bummer in my post. It’s been a hell of a week. As you can tell from the title, Charlie decided himself to go over the rainbow bridge on Saturday morning. To say we are heartbroken is an understatement. Charlie was the “gift” that Ron and Pascal (my step son) arranged for me in 2019 when I suddenly became immobile with the hernia. He was such a sweet, cute, quirky, wee thing. Charlie turned 4 just 10 days ago. It was too soon. No way we ever thought we would be saying goodbye to him just 4 months after Oliver died.

We took Charlie to the vet on May 4th; the vet thought he had a throat infection and gave him some meds and told us “he should be eating again in 12 hours or so”. Well he didn’t. And if we learned anything, we learned not to go into the weekend with a cat who is not eating. So we went to the emergency vet on Saturday evening. And basically it all escalated from there.

On Monday he was operated on for an obstruction in the intestines. He seemed to be recovering well but still wasn’t eating and had to be tube fed. He was on antibiotics and painkillers. On Wednesday we were able to take him home, but he had a strict regimen of tube feeding and other meds.

On Thursday we really thought he’d turned a corner; in the morning he immediately ran out of the room we were keeping him in (just at night, so we could see if he ate or used the hatbox) and started to eat the dry food that was out for one of the other cats. And throughout the day he ate a bit, walked around and cuddled a lot. We really had hope now!

But it wasn’t meant to be. Friday morning he was very lethargic, not interested in food, only water. He also hadn’t been about to use the cat box for nature’s call number two, so we called the hospital and they prescribed him something to help. They said if it’s still not going well by 3pm, we should bring him back.

I didn’t want to wait until 3pm though. At about 1:30pm we called again and brought him in at 2:30pm. And that appointment was the last time we saw him alive.

Long story a tiny bit shorter, his kidneys were’t working well and they wanted to do an infusion therapy to help. But it wasn’t meant to be. And had I known, I would have gone to see and cuddle him one more time.

On Saturday morning at 6:45am we got the call – he wasn’t doing well and we were encouraged to come in to see him. We said we’d be there at 10. They called at 8 again, he’d gone peacefully in his sleep.

We are truly heartbroken.

Weekly Run Down Blogger Linkup
Join us for the Weekly Run Down!

Deborah and Kim are the amazing hosts for the Weekly Run Down! Feel free to join in as well to wrap up your week in fitness!


Plan vs. Actual

Monday – 3.25KM walk, GLI gym 1 hr intake – no workout (appt w/different PT), 3.5KM biking
Tuesday – 3KM walk (office day) to and from train station
Wednesday – 3KM walk, W6R1 run, 6KM, GLI 1 hour, gym 55 min
Thursday – 2.22KM walk, gym
Friday – 2.75KM walk, W6R2 run , gym 55 min
Saturday – 2.5KM walk, parkrun in Alkmaar 5KM, 17/17 Dutch parkruns done!
Sunday 2KM walk, long run W6R3, 1.4KM w/u walk, 10KM run (!!!)

WEEK 19/2023

Nothing much went to plan. I suppose that is understandable. But here’s the plan vs actual:

Monday – RPM, 2KM walk, gym appt at 7:30PM 20 min cardio, 50 min strength
Tuesday – Amsterdam office day – lunch walk , worked from home; 3KM walk after work
Wednesday – run at lunch, then gym 1.75KM walk after work
Thursday – 2 KM walk, gym 50 min w/u + strength
Friday – run at lunch, gym after work 2.2KM walk
Saturday – parkrun in Sneek managed my 1KM walk before dinner
Sunday run, walk, bike? not sure yet.


Obviously I will continue my walk streak of min 1KM per day.

Monday – RPM, walk, gym
Tuesday – DAY OFF, walk + ?
Wednesday – run at lunch, then gym
Thursday – HOLIDAY in NL – possible bike ride  
Friday – run at lunch
Saturday – walk + possible gym
Sunday – run, walk, bike? not sure yet.

That’s a wrap!

At least the weather is better and time and fresh air will help us heal.

I hope your week was way better than mine!! Also I would like to apologise for not getting to the comments of last week’s post yet.

32 thoughts on “WRD – Week 19/2023 Rest in Peace, Charlie

  1. Oh Renee, I’m crying! I’m so, so, so sorry. That is heartbreaking. There’s nothing more to say, other than just take it one day at a time. It’s so painful right now, but the pain will become less sharp as the days go on. You never get over it- but you get used to it. I know it’s hard- sending you hugs and love.

    1. thanks Jenny. it really is heartbreaking. I didn’t cry for a few days and then got a card in the mail from the pet crematorium telling us when Charlie was cremated. I lost it completely :(

  2. Oh, Renee, I am so sorry! Such a tough week for all of you, especially sweet little Charlie. I know it’s not much comfort, but at least he did go peacefully in his sleep. My heart breaks for you. I hope you can find comfort and peace as you reflect on the four years of memories with him.

  3. Oh Renee, you know how broken my heart is for you. I’ve been there many times, but never with such a young cat and not so quickly after another loss. I know no words will make it better, so just know you are all in my thoughts.

    I do remember after one loss, many years ago, I was crying (which I don’t do easily), and my husband asked if I was ok. I said no, but eventually I would be. It’s okay to feel however you feel for however long it takes.

  4. Oh, I am so sorry for Charlies, and for both of you. And so sorry for how it all happened. You certainly did all you could for him, but what a shock for him to decline so suddenly. Big hugs!

    1. Thanks Coco. I think everyone was quite surprised at the decline. The vets were shocked as it was that his blood tests were so massively different after only 5 days. We all thought he was going to make it.

  5. I’m so sorry about Charlie. I’ve experienced the loss of dogs over the years–one quite suddenly like what happened with Charlie. It’s so hard, especially when they are so young. I know you’ll miss him.

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