Fit Five Friday – I think I’m having a dejá-brew

Ha ha, see what I did there?

WELOME to Fit Five Friday with with your FIVE amazing hosts – me, My First 5K and MoreRunning With Attitude, Runs with PugsZenaida ! Feel free to join in on the fun! And head over here to join the Ultimate Coffee Date with other amazing, supportive and friendly bloggers.

It’s that time of the month again. Let’s catch up over coffee. What are you having these days? I’m still a double espresso (black) girl for the most part but I think I’ll have a lactose-free latte for our chat.

If we were having coffee, of course we’d have to catch up over our May stats! How did you do? What races did you run? Did you do any parkruns? What about walking, biking and strength? Tell me all about your yoga this month too!

I am feeling good about my progress though my running was a bit less than I would have liked this month. Then again we had pretty much a week of massive stress with Charlie and that is the week I didn’t run at all. It’s life (and death). My goal for the gym is three times a week, but again, with the holidays (and limited gym hours), work stress and Charlie, I did not manage this. However I went 9 times in May and that is more than I’ve done in a LONG time. Walking was pretty much the same as last month and biking is really just the beginning of summer cycling I hope.

What is with the “.1” though?

If we were having coffee I would tell you that my little gardens are exploding. There are tons of bees in the front too and that is EXACTLY what I wanted! Lots of people actually stop by when they are walking past to look. I love it. Who knew I was a garden person?? And, in the back, my smoke bushes are huge now, the dogwood is flourishing and Ron bought me a new Japanese Maple to replace the one that died. Also some of the flowers are coming up as well.

front garden – green and wild!

pictured is the smaller smoke bush, the big one is almost falling over… also the lupine (bluebonnet?) is dominating over the new Japanese maple tree!

If we were having coffee I’d also tell you that My Guy (for the most part) has done a lot of work on the outside walls of the house and our front steps. Everything is repaired and painted and looks amazing. He’s only got one little project left and that is to put up some mesh and climbing flowers along wall that we share with the neighbour – she complained some time ago that, with our new stairs we can see into her bedroom (we can’t and moreover, we don’t want to) so he’ll “fix” that with plants.

the back area and cattio – you can see the rain barrel just inside and to the left, that’s where we’ll build the flower barrier

Ron has also cleaned out our spare room, and I’ve gotten rid of some books and clothes that are basically just cluttering up the place. Eventually (this year sometime) we are going to completely gut our bedroom as well. It needs to be done.

If we were having coffee I would mention that a lot of the books I got rid of were diet and weight loss related. I’m so tired of it all. I used to think I’d go back to those books when I needed help and actually they DE-motivate me. So much toxic diet culture bullshit from the past. Even nowadays it’s still everywhere. I can’t anymore. I am loving me for me now. And I will have a piece of chocolate or a glass of wine, thankyouverymuch.

If we were having coffee I would tell you that I’m really happy with my new specs. I only really wear them at home, but it’s just so nice to have a pair of glasses that actually help me see! It was bad timing with the purchase (because they are expensive – hence the reason for doing a buy one get one “free”) since I could have used that money for Charlie. Oh well. Back to building up my buffer again and at least I’ll look cute doing it. What do you all think? Which one do you like the most?

hard to tell but the top pair has a LOT of sparkle!

Tell me all about your May! Happy with your stats? How’s your garden doing? Have you rejected diet culture as well – is that something that happens with age or are we stuck with remnants of it forever?

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14 thoughts on “Fit Five Friday – I think I’m having a dejá-brew

  1. Your gardens look amazing! My hubs is the gardener. I like to put out pots of flowers, but it has been so warm that I haven’t done it yet. I’m planning on planting tomorrow–it should be cooling off now.

    While I struggle with my post-menopausal body image, I’ve never been a diet culture person. I’ve always been active and not one to overdo it with food. I did make changes to my diet after my diagnosis with RA, incorporating a lot more anti-inflammatory foods and limiting refined carbs and sweets.

  2. Oh, I like both of your glasses! I need to get a new pair for computer work this weekend — or at least order them this weekend. My prescription for that distance has changed a lot and I have been squinting at a blurry screen!

    I love your gardens. I hate gardening myself, but I appreciate pretty gardens!

  3. I like your glasses! I need some new reading glasses that are cute. I am glad to read that you had a much better month and you seem a lot happier

  4. I love to garden but who has the time and the deer like to ruin things… wish my hubby would help… he mows the law and fertilizes but hat’s it.

    I wear contacts and one’s for near and the other far!!

    Happy to read that things are going better fitness-wise.

  5. I like your new specs!

    Your garden looks great – I remember when you were first pulling it together.

    I’m glad you ditched all the diet-related books. I had a bunch too from years ago that I recently threw out – who has time for that mindset? So unhealthy!

  6. Your garden looks beautiful.

    I ditched all diet/body related books a while ago. I find that they demotivate or frustrate me, too. I focus on feeling good and all of the things my body can do. If I focus on strength and endurance and fueling appropriately, I notice my weight stays in check and I feel better.

  7. Wow on your garden! We’ve been spending a bit more time with the vets recently, thankfully so far uneventful and not *too* expensive — you do what you gotta do, right? Furkids just aren’t cheap. Nothing is cheap . . .

    Good job on letting things go that aren’t serving you.

  8. Your gardens look spectacular! I finally got my porch “pots” brought out last weekend. They hibernate in my sunroom through the cold months, and I add new annuals to them in the summer. Now, if I can just stay ahead of the dead-heading! Glad to hear you’re feeling good about YOU :-)

  9. Eat that chocolate! Life is too short to be fixated on how our bodies look. And getting to the gym nine times in May is GREAT. It’s not that far off your goal, and probably way more than you would have gone if you hadn’t set a goal at all.
    You are definitely a garden person- they look amazing.

  10. BEES! So fun! The house is looking great. I remember when you just moved in and there was so much to do. I love gardens, but I’m useless at creating and keeping them. Oh, well. Diet culture sucks. I’ll have tacos please.

  11. Great job on getting so much mileage in! I should start keeping a log of my stats, haha. I think the low numbers would inspire me to step up my game!

    Your garden looks so pretty! We’ve been wanting to redo our front lawn (I want a pollinator-friendly/drought-friendly garden :])! I love the cattio too!!

  12. “I am loving me for me now. And I will have a piece of chocolate or a glass of wine, thankyouverymuch.” <– I LOVE THIS, Renée.

    I also think your glasses look fab! :)

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