Fit Five Friday and the Ultimate Coffee Date – August 2024 Edition

Summer is well and truly here (for The Netherlands; don’t even talk to me about all the rain we are having) and I have to say I had such a good month – though very busy learning my new job, hence not being able to post weekly.

Join us on the Fit Five Friday Journey!

WELOME to Fit Five Friday with with your FIVE amazing hosts – me, Darlene -My First 5K and MoreMichele – Running With Attitude, Jenn – Runs with Pugs, and Zenaida – The Running Teacher ! And head over here to join the Ultimate Coffee Date with other amazing, supportive and friendly bloggers.

Ultimate Coffee Date – August 2024 Edition

If y’all can just pass the ice bucket, I’ll be adding as much ice as possible to all my coffee drinks while we chat…

If we were having coffee

I’d catch up with you on a couple of things –

Activities in July:

Drumroll please… ALL of my running activities in July were in THE MORNING! Mostly between 6-7am, a couple at 5:30, a parkrun and a Sunday run at 9:30 (trust me, that’s early for me). So, thanks to everyone who was cheering me on to make it a habit, I think we can call this a success!

Gym fell behind a bit, pretty much because of my new job and having running be the priority. Walking is down a tiny bit but still more than the 1km per day that I’ve committed to doing and biking is way up since I’m now commuting by bike to work. All in all a great active month for me. How was your July?

Speaking of my new job:

It’s going really well. And I’ve gotten the feedback that everyone is happy with me and I’m a perfect fit to the team. You all have no idea how happy I am right now! I’ve gotten through my first month, have a two month probation period but have been told that they are already happy to report back that they would like me to stay on if I want to. Do I, heck???? Yes, I do. So, folks, it’s official, I have a permanent contract and no need to wait until day 59 to decide if we want to continue with each other. I’m in!!

Heading to Paris for the Olympics

While it would have been great to get tickets so some of the athletics events (or any events for that matter) the prices were all a bit too much for us. BUT our former neighbor (who moved down the street now) Anne qualified for the Olympic marathon back in September last year (maybe you remember me talking about it) and now it’s her time to shine! We will be going down to Paris next Friday, Saturday is the men’s marathon in the morning and Sunday is Anne’s big moment in the women’s marathon. We’ll be on the course at 10KM at +/- 36KM cheering her on. I’m probably going to bawl my head off when I see her!!

what a weird shadow/ head position on this photo…

We do have tickets for Saturday’s events at the Urban Project, so that’s at least something. We are just so, so excited to be there during the games!

Upcoming races

Somehow I got talked into doing the Zevenheuvelenloop in November again. I’ve done this race many times now (6 I think?) and last year I did the evening version the night before which was really fun (and half the distance). I was not planning on doing it! But… a bunch of us parkrunners decided to sign up so here I am.

My training for the Málaga Half starts end of this month so I’ll also do the Airborne run here in Arnhem in September. I just need to decide distance and then sign up.

What would you share with me over coffee? I’d love to catch up with you!

Join the Fit Five Friday Link-up!

Here are the guidelines:

  • Your link should center around some kind of fitness (exercise, wellness, mental health, nutrition… the possibilities are endless!)
  • Please link back to your hosts! It’s the right thing to do! 
  • Share the link-up love by visiting and commenting on your hosts and at least two other Fit Five Friday bloggers!
  • Feel free to share about Fit Five Friday on your social media! Tag #FitFiveFriday to get the word out!

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9 thoughts on “Fit Five Friday and the Ultimate Coffee Date – August 2024 Edition

  1. Im so happy to hear your new job is going so well! Phew, you deserve that!

    How cool that your friend is running in the marathon and you will be there!! That will be so exciting!!

  2. Great to hear that everything is going so well with your new job! I agree with Coco that you deserve it!

    Have so much fun cheering your friend on in Paris!!

  3. That’s so exciting that your friend is marathoning at the Olympics!!! And, you get to be for it :-) I hope all goes well ! And, congrats on the job success! I’m deep in the trenches myself… the commute was not something I was banking on when I bought my house (the potential hybrid deal was rescinded).

  4. Congrats on the permanent contract! That’s so great. Omg how exciting to be headed to Paris! Have so much fun cheering on your friend. What a fantastic experience!

  5. I agree. Morning runs are necessary on the summer. So me too. Gym days have taken a hit.

    Lucky you. I win I could be in Paris right now.

    Glad the new job is going so well. You deserve it.

  6. So cool that you get to be in Paris while the Olympics are going on! I know that it would be more fun to have tickets, but spectating the marathon is really cool, too!

    I am so happy your new job is working out well! You deserve all the happiness and success!

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