Weekly Run Down: 2020 Edition Number One

Deborah and Kim are the amazing hosts for the Weekly Run Down! Feel free to join in as well to wrap up your week in fitness!


Plan vs. Actual

Monday – 3.25KM walk, GLI gym 1 hr intake – no workout (appt w/different PT), 3.5KM biking
Tuesday – 3KM walk (office day) to and from train station
Wednesday – 3KM walk, W6R1 run, 6KM, GLI 1 hour, gym 55 min
Thursday – 2.22KM walk, gym
Friday – 2.75KM walk, W6R2 run , gym 55 min
Saturday – 2.5KM walk, parkrun in Alkmaar 5KM, 17/17 Dutch parkruns done!
Sunday 2KM walk, long run W6R3, 1.4KM w/u walk, 10KM run (!!!)

Weekly Run Down Blogger Linkup
Join us for the Weekly Run Down!


I truly believe that this year will be better and I will be celebrating my successes along the way!

This past week has been the last week to be “lazy” or basically still on vacation (I worked only one day this week). As of next week I’m going to get back on my regularly scheduled programming.

this week in fitness
  • Running – 19KM
  • Biking – no spin sessions, 16KM total street biking
  • Gym – skipped this week

Monday – it was my turn to lay on the couch and do nothing. Seems that Ron’s food poisoning was actually a tummy bug that I must have picked up later. (we heard this week too that the two others I ran with last week Friday were also sick Friday evening!)

Tuesday – I felt well enough to do a last run for 2019. 6KM with Ron before New Year’s Eve festivities began.

Wednesday – In the morning we had the New Year’s Dip (well, I did; Ron doesn’t do those crazy cold water shenanigans) and in the evening I did my stand-by 3KM round around the park.

Thursday – I had to go back to work. And as anticipated a slightly stressful day with the year-end activities on the menu plus helping the new girl out. Seems she forgot everything she learned before the holidays because there was a lot of looking at me like a deer looking into the headlights. No workouts.

Friday – My normal day off. Spent equal amounts of time lazing around / working on bloggy stuff and cleaning the house. No other physical activities.

Saturday – Another test run for parkrun! Two of the team members from the Nijmegen team also came out to support us and gave us some great tips. They loved our park! My running came up to 4KM since I stopped early to head back towards the end of the route to take photos. We biked to and from the park.

Dafne and I coming over the bridge on the first round
Lisette (from team Nijmegen) and Ron coming down the path on the second round
and nearing the finish

Sunday – I was going to do the New Year’s Run in Nijmegen but decided against it. 6KM with Ron in the afternoon. I felt so sluggish during this run. But I also still am not putting the right fuel in my body so … rubbish in, rubbish out! I’m glad I got out though. It was more a run/walk since Ron likes to go up hills and on trails. Hey, he indulges me all the time; time to give back. Later we biked to and from town to have dinner. Since we’re going alcohol and red-meat free after his birthday, we had our “last” burger for a while…

The Plan for Next Week

Ron’s been having some issues with his back again, something similar to what I had this summer, so we are going to be getting up in the morning to walk/run if he can manage. Pilates starts up again Monday and I’d like to get back to the gym on Tuesday for RPM Sprint and regular RPM. I ran 19KM this week and I’d like to run at least that in the coming week. We shall see. Saturday we go to Paris so… Saturday and Sunday may only have a lot of steps on the counter rather than workouts. So I imagine it looks something like this:

  • Monday – AM walk/run, Pilates
  • Tuesday – RPM x2 at the Gym
  • Wednesday – AM walk/run, PM gym
  • Thursday – walk/run in the park (officially measuring the route)
  • Friday – Run
  • Saturday – travel
  • Sunday – in Paris

I’m off on Thursday as well as Friday this week, since I worked on my day off after Christmas.

That’s a wrap!

How was your past week? Next week is fully immersed in 2020. Are you making new plans and schedules for your workouts? Signed up for any races yet? Do you do Veganary or Dry January? Or do you just use the beginning of the year as a natural reset?

15 thoughts on “Weekly Run Down: 2020 Edition Number One

  1. alcohol and red meat free?? Yikes. Good luck.

    Looks like your 2020 is starting out well. Hope it continues that way.

    Me? still have a painful foot…not a happy camper.

  2. Oh no! So sorry that it ended up being a stomach bug and that you caught it :( Many people in my office either had the stomach bug, a cold or the flu right before the holidays – it was awful!

    Kudos to you for taking the plunge on Jan 1 in that cold weather – I don’t know if I could do it!

  3. That polar plunge…#Brrrrr! I’ve never done one, but I have run in sub-ZERO weather, many times. I don’t know if I’d be able to handle the freezing cold water. I don’t drink much, so going alcohol-free wouldn’t be a big sacrifice for me…going meat-free would be, though. Not that I eat a lot of meat, just knowing that I CAN’T have it would be the tough part LOL Happy 2020!!

  4. I’m enamored with that charming view from the park! What a cute town!

    So sorry you had the stomach flu. Ick. It’s going around and every time I see a patient with it, I bleach wipe my stethoscope and my keyboard, lol!

  5. I noticed a lot of sales on wine and margaritas at the grocery store this weekend and I wondered if that had any connection to dry January lol. Your park is beautiful. Enjoy Paris!

  6. Oh what pretty places you ran this week. Bummer you were sick. I had a cold and stayed home these past few days. No bueno. I am signed up for a few races this year and am excited about it. There are a few more I want to do but I need to see how they fit into my schedule.

  7. Love the parkrun news and hopefully my friend Dave can help a bit with advice (I’m volunteering at his one on Saturday!). Sorry about the tummy bug but you seem to have shed it quite quickly. This week is proper 2020 for me, with Matthew back at work.

  8. I could seriously use a lazy week like that (although it didn’t really sound that lazy). Stomach bugs are such a misery, thankfully I rarely get them but the one I got last spring was a doozy.

    Your Parkrun route looks amazing!

  9. Boo to being sick last Monday :( That’s good it only lasted a day and you were able to get out for a run Tuesday. All the posts about park run reminded me to look it up and we have one near us! I’m going to given them a try at some point this year.

  10. Booo to the stomach bug! Yuck! I’m glad you recovered quickly so you could enjoy the rest of the week!

    I love all your Parkrun photos. This is just so great!

    Good luck with your nutrition goals after his birthday. I think it’s great that you guys are in it together and you will absolutely rock it like the awesome team you are!

  11. Happy New Year Renee! That is a gorgeous park. Sorry so many are sick. Bugs seem to be rampant here as well. The AIP diet I’m on has SO much meat. Way more than I ever usually take in. Apparently all the collagen, etc is good for healing the gut. We’ll see.

  12. Ugh! Stomach bugs are the worst!! So sorry. Your running continues to improve. So glad to read that you are getting back to “normal” and increasing your mileage. Lazy weeks are the best!

  13. I hope you’ve both recovered completely from the stomach bug. Those are nasty!

    I hear you on the “rubbish in, rubbish out” and I’ve been trying to clean things up in the eating department so energy levels can return to normal. Last week was quite good compared to what I was eating over the holidays.

    Here’s to a fantastic 2020!

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