In hindsight, especially after my whingefest, it was a good week. So I went out and had two off days. That’s better than a lot of other weeks I’ve had! I did not do everything I said I was going…
Tag: Weigh-In
Weekly weigh-ins, input into my WW online program.
Better. But Apparently Boring.
This week? Much, much better. First off, last week I said So, how about a do-over. How about just a couple of things: 1) I will go to Zumba on Tuesday night and gym on Thursday 2) I will track at…
Don't be such a baby
I find quite often that I’m conflicted in my head about food, treats, eating, not eating, being denied something, etc. I mean, in essence, food is sustenance, right? So when we feel like we are being denied, we go through…
No WW Meeting
I missed several WW meetings this month, after only recently switching from FlexPoints to ProPoints – various reasons kept me from going but it was mostly my back; with 3 weeks being at home in Arnhem, I was hardly going to make…
Daily, Travel and WW update
As I mentioned in my post here, there were a few things I wanted to do for the coming week. 1) Water – I definitely managed my 1.5 litres, but only just. There was one day I didn’t write down…
Daily 17/11
Pretty much the same as yesterday. I know it’s important to vary what we eat but it’s also important that I sleep. I will get more creative once I’m fully recovered any carrying my bigger bag to work with me…
Daily 11/11
another boring day. that’s ok. I managed to hobble to the scale this morning and with pajamas it said… 82.7KG. So that means, you can be sick, or laid up, or not able to exercise but that doesn’t mean weightloss…
Daily 03/11
Tuesday – Breakfast: 1 egg, 3 egg whites, 1tsp olive oil, spinach, mushrooms, 10 gr aged cheese 4 points Coffee (black) Snack: 1 Triple Tall NF Latte 1 point apple 0 points 1 Tall Americano 0 points Lunch: rucola, 2…