For the Love of Orlando

The internet is great isn’t it?

I’ve been blogging for nearly 5 years and while I know I’m not consistent (but hey, I could be soon) I’m at least honest and try to give you my own personal take and opinion on things. This is not to say that my opinion is RIGHT or that you should do/say/act/whatever like I do, so please… be yourself.

But don’t be someone who just shows up at my blog and decides to have a go at me. Seriously. Why are some people so quick to make rude comments and judgements about MY personal experiences and thoughts? Didn’t your mother ever tell you “if you don’t have anything nice to say then don’t say anything at all”?

What am I talking about?

Ten Reasons I will Never Do the Color Run Again

This stupid post has more hits now than my Tommie Copper post (which got me nothing, by the way, even though I mentioned to Tommie Copper that it was getting a lot of hits and hey, how about some stuff to review and more free advertising?)

So I didn’t personally like the Colour Run, is that wrecking your day or your life for the love of Orlando?

Boo Frickin Hoo
Boo Frickin Hoo

Get over it – there are plenty of people like me who did not like it. It does not have to be for everyone and thank dog for that! Life would be fairly boring if we all had the same opinion.

I know this is just ranting but honestly I just wanted to get it out. This is my blog. These are my experiences. If you don’t like it then just kindly leave. There’s no reason to slam someone you don’t know just because you don’t agree with them.

PS: Orlando…

8 thoughts on “For the Love of Orlando

  1. It’s your own personal blog so that gives you the right to say whatever you want. I think it is perfectly obvious from that post that you had been looking forward to the Color Run and were disappointed. After all, you were the one I heard about the Color Run from first. You were the one who was so enthusiastic you made me want to do it too. The fact that its a personal opinion piece means anyone who attacks you for your opinion is just showing themselves up. If they comment they loved it and had a whale of a time, that’s fine; that’s their opinion. But it doesn’t give them the right to be rude to you or say you’re wrong. I’m not surprised you keep getting hits on that post; it’s great. Why is it always people who are nasty who have to comment?

  2. I wouldn’t sweat it! If you didn’t like something that someone else really likes a lot, they might take it a little personally. Maybe even personally enough to disagree with you in writing on a blog post. And since they’re disagreeing with you on your blog about your opinion, then you take it personally.
    But most of the time, it’s really not personal. Well, except that we each have our own *personal* opinions, but in this case, it’s really just that those opinions are different.

    1. and that I don’t mind, it’s went people take the time to comment that I’m discouraging others or that I have a crappy attitude when I don’t think there is any truth or added value in saying it.

  3. Your post made me LOL – I didn’t like the color run either, but it sounds like yours was a worse experience than mine

  4. Go you, Pinky!!! Love your blogs for many reasons but most of all because you are such an authentic writer/blogger! XO

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