That’s right. Post-Fitbloggin-Depression. And I’m in a bad way. It could be enhanced by hormones or jetlag but honestly, I just feel, well… empty. What an amazing, crazy weekend. How crazy was it to fly to go to Baltimore, MD…
Category: Just Life
Because we all need a recap, right?
OMG you guys, what a week. Monday was my birthday, but I swear I did nothing but eat treats all day, come home, eat a yummy dinner and more treats and then drank wine and had face-time with my dad…
A Look Back and a Look Forward
Wow you guys, September is already here and I hardly even caught my breath from returning from my US holiday! It was a bit of a struggle to get in a groove again, plus I was a bit sick, plus…
Wednesday Food Fest: looks like *bleep* to me!
One of the things I really have wanted to do lately was try out a new recipe, dare I even say it, once a week. I should already tell you I’m one of those cooks – you can give me…
Phew! I made it!
It was a ROUGH week, at least from a work perspective. It’s busy, people are still on vacation, it’s end of the month, it’s almost end of the year… there’s just a LOT going on. I wanted more than anything…
FMM: Friend Makin’ Monday:: Groceries
Here it is again! Friend Makin’ Monday! As you know Every Monday My Girl Kenlie posts a FMM – this is meant to interact with other bloggers, link up and get to know each other a bit better. I have…
Vacation Part II – Eat, drink, stay Healthy!
OK we all know what it’s like… we go on vacation especially “back home” and there is SO MUCH good stuff to eat! Especially in New Mexico! I mean COME ON!! “Red or Green?” Let’s not forget all the places…
Vacation – Part I
Wow. How does one actually update after being away from the blog more than a month and part of that (3 weeks) being vacation? I’ve thought all week about what to post but I’m still a little lost. So how…
Permanently Different On the Outside
I’m going “home” in just … 6 days, not that I’m counting of course… we are headed to Arizona and New Mexico, the whole lot of us! As you may or may not know, I am originally from New Mexico,…
Glory Days
The last few days have been A.MAY.ZING. The weather has been insanely perfect. Finally we can shed our coats, sweaters and scarves and hey- even socks (yes I live for the first day of the year where I don’t have…