Old Skool – Retro Post from April 30, 2009

I didn’t mean to be away this long.

Actually things are going quite well. I’m losing weight, I’m losing almost every day – in fact just been tracking the last 2 weeks and I’m down 4KG on my own scale, and 3.1 on the WW scale. Not bad.

And I’ve planned and shopped and cooked and counted and weighed and measured. It wasn’t hard and it didn’t hurt and it didn’t take that long.

But I’m exhausted. I’m tired and ready for some serious sleep.

You see I got some bad news last week. A friend of mine died. A VERY good friend of mine – though we didn’t have a lot of contact the last year or so. He was one of my first friends I had here in the Netherlands. We worked together, we went to the gym (and afterwards to McDonald’s) together, we went out, movies, concerts, we traveled together at times, heck we even went together to get our noses pierced (I got mine done, he didn’t – they said his nose was just too small!), and he helped me get my current job through the recruitment agency where he worked. We ate and drank together. We spent holidays together. 12 years – we have a real history in my adult life in this country. And he’s just gone. I’m devastated. Gutted. He was only 40, how could this happen?

And yet in all of this, when I could have easily gone back to my ways of comfort food and drink I’m hanging in there. We had more than our share of dieting/exercise moments and discussions between us. Maybe he’s trying to tell me to get healthy because you really never know when your time is up.

Start weight: 98.5
Week 1: 97.7 -800g
Week 2: 98.3 +600g
Week 3: 96.3 -2KG
Week 4: 95.2 -1.1KG

3 thoughts on “Old Skool – Retro Post from April 30, 2009

  1. Sorry for your loss. I’ve lost friends even younger than that for stupid reasons and it’s never easy. Then again I don’t really have anything to say. I wish (like everybody else I’m guessing) there was something I could do to make things better bring him back… It’s hard to move on and hurtful. I hope you’ll get through this and make him proud. *HUGS*

  2. hey River, thanks.

    I posted this this time last year, but I still think about him every single day. He is definitely one of the reasons I continue on, because I don’t want to die anytime soon. Not from something I could have prevented.

  3. It’s nice to think you’re thinking of him on the anniversary of his passing. I’m sorry for your loss, I haven’t lost very many people close to me, it must be hard…but lovely to have good memories of him.

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