Girly Runner

I am so excited!  I bought a new running skirt and it’s already packaged and ready to be shipped to me.  I feel like a real running nerd (I may not be FAST or the BEST there is but I *am* a runner!!) .

This and my other skirt is from  Great site and great customer service I might add!

Until I’m totally comfortable with my legs (my legs are something I never really liked – I feel like they are too big, too chunky, not nice to look at, and that I have cankles to boot), I will be running in the skirt/capri combo.

Which will in fact totally match with my pink and white Nikes, my white running shirt and my pink Chicago Cubs Spring Training hat :)

I can’t wait to get out and run like a GIRL!!

On a side note, yesterday I was stoked because I found a 10K Hubs and I could do that was actually near to where we live on the 19th of June.  I even signed us up for it.  Then last night it dawned on me;  we are going to see MUSE that night in Nijmegen.  The run starts at 6, near Nijmegen, but I really think it will be impossible to do both.  So, I’ve paid for both of us and now we can’t go.  I’m struggling to find another race I can do in the meantime (June is almost out now, July will be hard to schedule because of the kids’ vacation for three weeks then we are at August…).

3 thoughts on “Girly Runner

  1. I really like that! You will look so cute in them! Workout clothes are a good way to motivate yourself. May be you’ll post a pic of you wearing them?
    Enjoy :)

  2. Hey Miz, I checked your link too! Nice stuff, but I’m not sure I could go that short! *eep*

    Thanks River!! I will DEFINITELY post a photo soon!

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