Plans. Ideas. Possibilities.

So before I go recapping the last 8 months of my life (so many posts in drafts), I’ve had a lot going on through my brain that I just wanted to jot down in black and white.

Plans — Ideas — Possibilities

1) Next course – “sportzorgmasseur” – Ok so what is that exactly? Well. Here in the Netherlands you first do a training to become a sports massage therapist, but this is really the basics. And the basics are kind of fine but for what I want to do with my certification right now is a step further. That is, provide sport massage to those who need it, be it a runner friend or working an athletic event. The step further is learning more about medical taping (think KTape) and really being able to give sound advice to sportsmen and sportswomen with regards to preventing injury, proper warmup and cool down techniques, etc. So yeah I could give you advice now, but I don’t *really* know anything besides what I’ve learned through my own experience. That means if I don’t have experience with tennis elbow, I honestly couldn’t give you exercises to do to help you recover from your injury. I can learn these things though, and I think it’d be helpful in the long run. (ha. “the long run” ) Ron said “so in a way it’s kind of like a Physio “Light”?” Yeah. Kinda but don’t think I don’t know it takes a bit more to become a physiotherapist! Anyway, my course starts in January and ends in May.

2) Another course I want to do – sports pedicure. So some people really hate feet. I get that. However, we put our feet through so much, especially runners. And I have terrible feet. I mean they are flat, constantly having issues and just don’t look that great in general. Taking care of your feet is SO important and many people don’t even think about getting a regular pedicure let alone a sports pedicure. I know that probably there’s a risk to get some gnarly feet in front of me to take care of, but I want to help others maintain the health of their feet so I’m willing to look into that. I won’t do that until 2018 probably though.

3) I am not going to run any marathons next year. However, I want to have at least 2 half marathons as goal races, 1 10K and one 10miler. I’m already signed up for Liverpool so that could be a good way to get focused pretty soon since it’s in May. I would also like to go to Bilbao in October but I don’t know if that’s a goal race for me yet.

4) I signed up for Runiversity’s “Project #K” which starts on 30 December and goes for 17 weeks. I just have to figure out which #K I’m going for (either 10 or Half Marathon). Don’t have much more time to think about this so I will decide soon. Training is 2 times a week with the group, plus homework, plus I can run still with SocialMile on Wednesdays per usual. It will be good to have a real plan in place.

5) I am thinking of swimming in addition to running. Someone mentioned they had a very similar problem to mine (my tingling foot that keeps me awake at night) and it disappeared with regular swimming. Thing is, I don’t really swim that well and swimming times are kind of crap at our pools in the area.

6) I wanted to switch gyms because I haven’t been going at all (since my operation I think I went once!) so I checked out a new gym, but I have decided in fact to stick with my stinky cheap gym because I’m going to school (and that costs money). Since I work 80% now I need to watch my pennies.

7) Ron has applied to run Chicago marathon next year – he already qualifies with his previous times in Liverpool and Paris. While it’s a tough pill to swallow since I’m not doing one single marathon next year, I fully support him and will definitely be coming up with some ideas how to see him along the course to keep him going. Honestly, after the election I thought I wouldn’t go to the US at all for the next 4 years, but this is really a dream for him so we will make the exception.

8) I *might* be a team sports massage therapist for a Nijmegen team for the RoPa run next year first weekend in June. More jealousy will ensue from not running but I think this will be an amazing experience!!! From the website:
What is Roparun?
The Roparun is a relay race of approximately 520 kilometres from Paris and 560 kilometres from Hamburg to Rotterdam, in which people work as a team to give a combined sports performance in order to raise money for people who suffer from cancer. You could also call it an adventure for life. This is also clear from the motto, which has been the same for many years: “Add life to the days, where often days can no longer be added to the life”.

A Roparun team consists of a maximum of eight runners, who each run an average of about 65 kilometres, which is well over the distance of a marathon. A team must also have a minimum of two cyclists and a number of people forming a support team. This includes drivers, medics, caterers and road captains. The teams themselves are responsible for filling these roles, and, on average, a team consists of 25 people.

Besides the physical challenge, the team must also make an effort to raise money for the cause. Teams do this by organising various activities. These include bag packing at supermarkets, washing cars, holding collections and looking for sponsors. The team members must also sell Roparun raffle tickets, the proceeds of which go to the charity.

The three teams who raise the most money and the six teams who win prizes for their running speed are honoured during the final celebration of the Roparun, which takes place a few weeks after the finish. On that evening, the total amount of money raised by the Roparun will also be announced. Over the past twenty-four editions of the Roparun, more than 67 million Euros have been raised to care for people suffering from cancer.

Hopefully I’ll hear more about it soon. It would be after my course which would be great since I’ll know better taping techniques, etc.

9) My weight is really bugging me and I’m not quite sure how to get motivation back. I really miss having support but I honestly can’t go back to Weight Watchers again. I wish I were stronger in this area. I’ve done it before, I know I can do it again. I don’t want to do diets. I don’t want to be hungry. I wish it were easier. Boo frickin hoo, I know. I’m not my weight, I’m not a number on the scale, but I feel better in sport when I am slimmer.

10) Still have no idea what is causing my foot to tingle. So fed up. Going to a neurologist soon. We’ll see what happens.

So just some random stuff. Update if you like. Things that fill my head. Now to go through about 3,682 photos to try and put some race recaps together.

2 thoughts on “Plans. Ideas. Possibilities.

  1. Volhouden, Renée! Je bent een geweldige meid – met of zonder een paar pondjes, met of zonder marathons, het maakt niet uit. Ik bewonder je doorzettingsvermogen hoe dan ook!

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