You guys. I’m officially on the road to 50 now. I now have an idea what people mean when they say “mid-life crisis”. Not that I’m in crisis mode. But I’m thinking more deeply about things and wanting to change things in my life that I have joy rather than obligation, guilt, sadness. So, no new red Porsche for me… (that’s a mid-life crisis thing, right?), but there are more changes to come in my life and I’m certain it’s the right path to positivity and happiness.
A quick recap of last week:
Monday – as I mentioned last week in my August Round Up, I started my official program at my new gym. And on Tuesday my abs already hurt!

Tuesday – super tired. decided to pretty much do nothing. Feel like my vacation was so long ago…

Wednesday – I was pretty tired, still not sleeping that well (of course I slept great on holiday for the most part!) and thought that maybe I’d go running but decided against it. Luckily I made that decision… around 7:30pm (SocialMile run starts at 8pm) there was a huge storm! I don’t mind running in the rain usually but it was raining buckets! Plus thunder and lightning… not my thing.
Thursday – pretty tough day at work and got home later than planned. Still managed to eat something and cycle out to the gym. Yay!

Friday – no sports activities but I did have massage clients. It was good to get back to helping athletes loosen up a bit!
Saturday – This was the day I was supposed to have my birthday party. I felt a little sad about it but decided I was just going to have a nice day anyway. My plan was to go out and run for a bit in Meinerswijk where the wild horses are. It’s so nice to be out there; it’s still in the city but the feeling is that you are totally away. I just wanted fresh air, to move my body, and to see some cute animals. That always makes me smile. So when I woke up I had a leisurely breakfast and the Fonz and I were talking about plans for the day. He had a more intensive run on the schedule but decided that maybe a recovery run was better. He also wanted to take me shopping for a birthday present. Who am I to say no? He had an idea of something to get me but wanted to be sure it was really something I would like and honestly I don’t mind that! So we decided to go into town, have some lunch, go shopping and then go for a run. Sounded like a brilliant plan!
What a brilliant day it was. Not only did we have a lovely lunch and shopping trip, the run was just fabulous. And I saw the horses, some cows and a cute random kitty that decided it wanted to get friendly with me.

When we finally arrived back in town, we decided to have “one beer” before heading home, so we dropped into our favorite Greek place (we’ve been going there for over 10 years!) and… of course that led to two beers, appetizers and then a full blown dinner. Yeah. We are weak.
Sunday – 49! I made it to 49! haha! Since we kind of already celebrated my birthday yesterday we just carried on with the festivities. Ron had to do a 30KM training run for Chicago, so I hopped on the bike for support. Again a gorgeous day out! The training is now going much better for him so we are both really pleased about that. He’s had so many issues and is working so hard to fix them and his hard work is finally paying off!
After the run/bike ride we relaxed a bit at home and then later headed out to celebrate my birthday. First we had Prosecco at a bar near our dinner place, then we had dinner at my favorite Thai restaurant and I made sure I had enough room left over for cake at another place (because… you gotta have cake!)

All in all a lovely day with tons of birthday messages all over social media, email, snail mail and phone calls. I am very grateful for all the love sent my way, it really helped after a kind of emotional summer (not that summer is over, but… you know what I mean).
But hey… it’s SEPTEMBER! So I have a couple of goals:
- Go to the gym min 2 times a week
- Stop fiddling around and get my eating and weight under control (no hard number goal in mind, just logging on MFP and having the scale move downwards)
How was your week? Any upcoming goals for September? Do you always make sure you have cake for your birthday?
Happy Birthday, Renee! I’ve got a few years on you, and in a couple of weeks, I’m entering a new age group. I’m not particularly excited about it.
thanks Wendy! but I suppose if you can rock your 50’s there’s still hope for me (if you say you are going to be 60 soon I simply refuse to believe that!!)
Happy Birthday!!!!! Somehow I missed the “little” detail of it being your birthday on social media…..But I did see the pic on Insta of that bracelet! WOW!!!!
Thanks Kim! I didn’t advertise it much to be honest. I love the bracelet though yes and will be marking the pages of the Pandora catalogue so the Man knows what I like the most ;)
So glad to hear your birthday celebration was nice! I’ll be honest, 50’s are not fun but I’m surviving and you will too. My only goal for this month is to get my carcass across that finish line in Berlin.
Happy Birthday!!! Cake on your birthday is a must, even if you’re trying to watch what you’re eating. We all deserve a treat every now and then, especially on our special day.