WRD: Week 19 2021: Short Work Week and (some) Sunshine

Last week I left off my Sunday activities to publish the weekly run down early. The hubs and I got the bikes out and did our first “long”(ish) ride of the year! Though it was “only” 22.3KM it was lovely just to get out in the fresh air. We had about an hour and half to spare so we rode over to Meinerswijjk and then the Bakenhof before heading home.

The Windmill in Elden, south of the river
Up close and personal with a mare in Meinerswijk

I also then walked 7.65KM later in the afternoon and choose a hillier route to get some good work in on the the hamstrings and glutes. it was a truly beautiful day.

The view from Hoogte 80 – more proof The Netherlands isn’t all flat

This week it was another short work week, this time having Ascension day on Thursday and my regular day off on Friday. I love it when that happens! We have one more holiday this month which will again give me a four-day weekend! WOOT!

Oh and remember when I got dressed and made-up for my friend Gerrit’s surprise happening? The special event was Saturday evening! Miss Charle Sparkle didn’t win the contest she entered, but she did place 5th out of 13 which for all of us was a win, being that it was the first time she ever participated!

The Contest was called “Drag-My-Vision Songfestival” – participants choose songs that were all previous entries in the Eurovision Song Contest. Charlie’s entry was for Spain, “Eres tú” – and for her it was a play on words; in Dutch, “er is toe” (pronounced the same as in Spanish) means “there is more”, something you’d say after a lovely dinner when you announce there is dessert. Hence all the cakes, cookies, etc in the video. I found it very cute, clever and funny and loved supporting my friend. It should be noted she does all her own make up and makes all her own outfits as well.

All right. Enough of all that. Let’s get to the Weekly Run Down.

Weekly Run Down Blogger Linkup
Join us for the Weekly Run Down!

Deborah and Kim are the amazing hosts for the Weekly Run Down! Feel free to join in as well to wrap up your week in fitness!


Plan vs. Actual

Monday – 3.25KM walk, GLI gym 1 hr intake – no workout (appt w/different PT), 3.5KM biking
Tuesday – 3KM walk (office day) to and from train station
Wednesday – 3KM walk, W6R1 run, 6KM, GLI 1 hour, gym 55 min
Thursday – 2.22KM walk, gym
Friday – 2.75KM walk, W6R2 run , gym 55 min
Saturday – 2.5KM walk, parkrun in Alkmaar 5KM, 17/17 Dutch parkruns done!
Sunday 2KM walk, long run W6R3, 1.4KM w/u walk, 10KM run (!!!)

Week 19 – yep, more walking

Monday – Bodypump 110, 7.7KM lunch walk
Tuesday – 8KM lunch run (intervals, incl w/u + c/d) RPM 88 after work
Wednesday – 10.1KM walk after work
Thursday – 9.65KM walk while the hubs ran
Friday – LM Tone 07 (new 30min cardio/strength workout), 7.3KM walk
Saturday – 7.9KM run (w/u notparkrun, c/d), Bodypump 108, 3.7KM walk
Sunday – 8.1KM walk


This week I walked a total of 46.55KM. I’m now down to needing about 6.1KM per day until the end of the month to finish the Illinois Criss-Cross Challenge. Much better than the 10 or so I had calculated about a month ago. To be honest, I like walking but things are starting to hurt now – ha! I have blisters on both pinky toes and let’s just say I’m going to be getting my money’s worth next Wednesday when I finally get my hamstrings and calves massaged. Next time I sign up for a challenge I’ll be taking it on less willy-nilly.

Monday Vibes
at least on Wednesday the sunnies were justified
Thursday together in Meinerswijk
The sunniest walk this week – and the most painful (blisters)

Ron told me it would be dry between 2:30 and 4pm, so that’s when I went. It wasn’t dry. First pic is right before it started bucketing down. Second pic is during the rain.


This week I ran 15.9KM (this includes w/u, c/d and any recovery intervals). Most notably, we ran on Tuesday instead of Wednesday because the weather was pleasant and we wanted to take advantage at that moment. I ran on the main path in Sonsbeek and Ron ran up in the hills as he was keen for the torture challenge.

Tuesday was just sunny enough for shades and gray enough that there was hardly anyone in the park. A “win” in my book

Saturday was notparkrun again and there were 7 of us; a few runners from the group are back in their home country quarantining and getting vaccinated. (side note: don’t get me started because I don’t necessarily agree with this but maybe it’s just envy as my “home” country is way too far away to do such a thing). At least it was dry, but it was rather overcast. Can’t have everything, right?

Though it was overcast, it was dry and that’s all we could really ask for.

Total steps this week: 103,211 (avg. 14,744 per day)


This week I did Bodypump twice, 110 and 108 and the 2nd time was with my LM workout friend via Zoom! We’ve had a few scheduling issues because of time zones (she’s in Pittsburgh and works in a hospital and doesn’t have a regular 9-5 schedule) but we finally got together on Saturday.

Still kind of amazed I can do this in the early morning

I also did RPM 88 this week which is a new release and it was tough! I tend to stick to releases I know because then I can get better at them, but a lot of people were raving about this release on the community group so I decided to go for it. Though it was challenging, I really liked it and enjoyed the music so I’ll be doing it again!

This is my “whoah what just happened here?” face

Les Mills also released another program called Tone recently to the on demand community; again loads of people raving so I thought I would try Tone #07. It was OK, I will probably try it a few times but I didn’t get why people LOVE it so much. This is a cardio/plyo/body weight/ strength training session where you are given a basic move and then shown advanced options as you improve and want to challenge yourself. Of course I only did the basic moves because I like to familiarise myself with the moves to avoid possible injury.

not quite catching the same amount of air the instructors are

That’s a wrap!

How was your week? More “spring-like”? Have you tried any new workouts lately? Something that got you out of your comfort zone? Do you workout with anyone via Zoom? What do you think of Charlie Sparkle’s entry in the Drag-My-Vision Songfestival? Of course this was my video debut as well – haha! I will not quit my day job just yet.

29 thoughts on “WRD: Week 19 2021: Short Work Week and (some) Sunshine

    1. Thanks! And yes it’s great to have a nice group on Saturday morning!

  1. Looks like a busy and varied week of workouts for you! You look so happy in your group run shot! Glad you were able to get together.

  2. You certainly packed in a lot of activity into this week – way to go Renee! Absolutely loved that video – it was really cool and creative.

    I have enjoyed seeing your group runs grow over the past few months :)

    1. Thanks Kim! And I loved helping Gerrit with the video. His friend Bas did an amazing job with the editing. And yes I’m enjoying the group growing!

  3. So are people going back to their “home” countries to get vaccinated because it’s so difficult to do in the Netherlands right now? i guess that would work depending on where your home country is. i’m curious to know why you don’t agree with it- not trying to start an argument (of course) but it’s just fascinating to see the approach to vaccinations in other countries.
    Sounds like you had a great week! Love the photos as always.

    1. They are going to their home countries because it’s “too slow” here. And I suppose as a citizen of wherever you are from you have a right to the vaccine. But the way I see it is, you (I) live here now and this is the situation here. I’m more about solidarity. That’s why I don’t agree. I find it a bit selfish. Why not just wait your turn? It’s fine to live here and have the benefits of living here but when it doesn’t suit then you go home? Anyway, I don’t know. Personally I find flying all the way back to the US too much of a risk. But if you are a train ride away I suppose that could be different.

      Thanks Jenny!

  4. The week started out with really cold rain, and ended up very Spring like. Next week actually looks to be Summer like!

    I hope you make it through the rest of the walking without too much pain! You are one determined lady, Renee!

    1. I’m glad we aren’t the only ones with weather behaving badly! Hopefully it’s looking up for you already!

      good news – the blisters are less painful and with only approx 6KM to go each day it’s going to be very doable to finish the challenge!

  5. I guess it’s been spring-like here (I mean, the blossoms are pretty and the flowers are blooming), but it’s been winter-like in the mornings with the cold temps. Like you said, I guess we can’t have it all. We do have warmer temps in this next week’s forecast, so BRING IT! I love how your notparkrun turnouts have grown…wish I lived closer ;-)

    1. ha! no I guess we can’t have it all! I wish you lived closer too – would be amazing to have my blog friends join me for notparkrun!

    1. glad you liked it! We are still unsure about parkrun right now. We’ve just “opening up” a bit, and outdoor running clubs (if they consider us a club) can have only max 30 people participating. And of course even though we haven’t started, in general there is no way we could control the amount of people. Last year before covid when we launched in the Netherlands, Rotterdam had over 250 runners… and Amsterdam had over 200. Sure, here in Arnhem we’d be happy and lucky to get 30 but the parkrun organisation doesn’t want us to have any restrictions when we actually launch. If we would be considered an “event” then we wouldn’t be allowed until like stage 4 (and we are only stage 1 as of TODAY).

  6. Fun video!

    What an active week. A little of everything. I hope your feet don’t let you down.
    I’ve given up hope on not having foot pain.

    .A few days ago it was 30s in the morning now we will be seeing 80s.

    So nice to see you with a group of runners.

    1. Glad you liked it! and yes foot pain is always with me but the added blisters really suck. So you guys have nutso weather too! Yes it does make me happy to be with a little group.

  7. What a fun video! Thanks for the background too! I think some people like the newness of new workouts, even if the workouts aren’t any better than the old ones.

    Love how your #notparkrun is doing so well.

    1. glad you liked it! As for workouts I am trying to be open to different things, but sometimes I need a good workout and don’t want the risk of one sucking haha! Thanks!

    1. Thanks I’m glad you enjoyed it! Not that I had anything to do with the production ha! I did have a pretty decent week I’d say :)

  8. So fun! Miss Charlie Sparkle is just what I needed today.

    I also love that gorgeous mare.

    You really packed in a ton this week! Way to go!

    1. Sometimes we all just need a little Miss Charlie Sparkle! Oh Jenn the horses are just so so amazing, you would LOVE it in Meinerswijk!

  9. I totally need to follow your lead and get my bike tuned up so I can ride already. We’ve been unseasonably cool but there are four consecutive days of 90 degree heat headed this way. You know how Chicago is. Either freezing our boiling. Very little in between. Fun video!

    1. Riding is such a wonderful alternative! And yes I remember the years I spent in Chi-town and how nuts it could be. Glad you liked the video!

    1. I remember this song from when I was really young! Which is funny – no one knew this song previously except for me!

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