Fit Five Friday – Five Reasons I’m going back to the gym

It’s Friday y’all! You know what that means! Time for the Fit Five Friday!

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I’ve been thinking a lot about going back to the gym and Ron mentioned to me this weekend that HE wanted to go back as well. So… we are going to take the plunge. Mind you, many things are “back to normal” (even though we ALL know that you can still get the corona virus) but we haven’t gone back to doing all the things yet. Now it’s time, at least for the gym. I’m still cautiously enthusiastic though.

Five Reasons to Return to the Gym


I think it’s pretty safe to say that I haven’t had the structure of a schedule for a while. Or, when I do have structure something happens that sets me back. Now that I have to go to the office at least once a week (twice a week starting in June) I feel that I really need to get it together.

Ron and I have both been so busy with huge work projects (what are the chances that we work for different companies but are both going through big projects that cost us much time and energy, at the same time!!) that we have often missed our weekly home gym date. We also haven’t been running/walking together at lunch because… meetings, quick breaks and conference calls. Then in the evening one of us cooks, we eat dinner and plop down on the couch watching the boob tube the rest of the night.

Don’t get me wrong, I love that we still love spending time with each other but this needs to end soon. We’ve got some running events that we want to go into being in a more fit state than me are right now.


Before the pandemic we had our routine practically down to a science! Though I would say our evening meals probably suffered, we went to the gym or ran together or with others at least 5-6 times a week. I just knew what I was doing on Tuesday nights, because it was RPM night, or Wednesdays BodyPump class was on. Ron would run on the treadmill or do strength while I was in class. It worked out perfectly.

My routine nowadays is either non-existent or all over the place. I want routine back. I want to have a schedule and look forward to my workouts. And while I have workouts that my trainer sets up for me, it still is too easy to have work and injury be my excuse (injury being a valid one of course).

Group Classes

While I pretty much have allllllll I need at home for a successful workout, including access to Les Mills classes to do RPM and BodyPump, I miss classes tremendously. I miss being around like minded people, seeing the same faces, high-fiving my instructors afterwards.

Group classes, at least for Les Mills, are also consistent for the most part at the gym. I could also do the same release at home all the time to measure my success but for some reason I need to mix it up more OR go back to a class that I know I can do. I’m not challenging myself like I used to do.


This is a big reason. The last instructors I had at Fitland and then at Heijenoord were simply amazing. Their energy was intoxicating ! These days, I often run into two of my former BP instructors at cryotherapy and am still in regular contact with my favorite RPM instructor Anne.

Anne recently became a certified BP instructor now as well! AND… she is teaching both classes at Heijenoord currently (she was at Fitland and left when they were sold to another Fitness chain) !

Anne’s positive attitude and energy is something you just have to experience, but I can tell you, she is someone you want to have in your corner! Anne teaching both classes at my last gym is what is sealing the deal for me.

if you can’t tell this is AFTER RPM with Anne!


I realise motivation really needs to come from within. I believe that I still have motivation it’s just waned a bit in the last couple of years. I’ve started to not believe in myself as much. Which is DUMB! Hello! I can do anything I set my mind to! I have just realised that I thrive so much more when I belong to a gym, a group or a club. It’s a little extra push when you need it.

And who knows? Maybe I could also motivate someone else? If I don’t get out there again and participate, how will I ever know, am I right?

Do you go to the gym? If yes what is the main reason you go? If you don’t, how do you go about structuring your workout schedule? Do you belong to other groups or clubs that help with Motivation?

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14 thoughts on “Fit Five Friday – Five Reasons I’m going back to the gym

  1. Yes, it’s really hard to balance getting back to normal while still staying safe these days. We can’t live in a bubble forever!

    I have belonged to gyms, and I always enjoyed that, but for me it’s easier and quicker to work out at home.

    I hope that you find so much satisfaction and motivation by getting back to this part of your normal life, Renee!

    1. Thanks Judy! it really is hard to balance it. And who would have thought it would be so hard to adjust ‘back to normal’ again??? I’m struggling! You are right though, we really can’t live in a bubble forever if we have no reason to. Obviously vulnerable people still have to be careful and that’s why I try to be really mindful and not just go on as if the pandemic never happened. I’m already worried now about the choices I make between today and in 3 weeks when my parents are here since dad is so medically vulnerable right now.

      1. I hear you! Even just deciding to race was a big decision for me. Obviously my mom is also very vulnerable — and completely scared of COVID, which in some ways isn’t a bad thing.

        A couple of her friends have had it (despite being vaccinated & boosted) and they’ve had lingering symptoms she really doesn’t need — one fairly recent. And HE gave it to his daughter. Ugh!

        I hope that you are able to have a wonderful visit with your parents.

  2. As I’ve mentioned I have a free 12 week membership to a gym. I go 3 mornings a week and use the machines. So far I haven’t gone to classes but have in the past. It’s much more motivating than working out at home. And I hate staring at a computer screen.

    But I hope my free gym opens back up so I don’t have to pay.

    I love group runs. I have 3 that I’m part of currently. That’s a great incentive to show up.

    1. If I had group runs, that would be amazing! I do have parkrun but I rarely get to run it LOL ! I’m so glad you think it’s more motivating than working out at home because that is exactly where I’m at right now!

  3. I was in the best shape of my life- strength-wise- when I went to the gym and worked with a trainer once a week. I just can’t seem to replicate that at home. But now I have the Peloton app, and do their classes instead. It’s great, I love the convenience, but I agree there’s nothing like working out at the gym with other people. I think it’s great you’re going back. I wonder how many people will go back to gyms now, and how many will stick with their home workouts? I guess you’ll find out!

    1. I do have Les Mills classes and have been a subscriber for RPM mainly since before covid. So I can do bodypump and have tried a few other virtual workouts but I just don’t have the enthusiasm to do it alone. I am super curious how busy the gym will be these days!

  4. I was a gym goer for decades and really appreciated the wide range of classes and the group interactions for motivation. The last 2 years, I really updated my home gym the past few years and it is now my happy place filled w my favorite things. The best gym is the one that gets you excited about going to it

    1. Totally agree Deborah. If I actually had the space like you have, who knows, maybe it would be different.

    1. I am admittedly a little bit hesitant for the classes but all I can really do is see how it goes, right? and honestly if it’s jam packed I will likely do something else (so will arrange a trainer session as well to get me on a runner’s strength training program).

    1. I REALLY tried to keep up at home. I clearly need more structure and I feel like this is the best way to do it. I just really miss my classes!

  5. This all resonates with me! We have a YMCA nearby, but it’s pricey, and from there we only have boutique gyms that are nearby (even pricier). I would love to workout with a group.

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