Friends, Harry Styles was SO GOOD. I mean. Amazing. Also, I’ve never heard screaming like I experienced at this show. Not even “back in the day” at Depeche Mode concerts or other big bands at that time. Insanity.
Of course the perfect time we were having prior to the concert was disrupted by train issues and Susan and I ended up taking an uber to the gig from her house AND because train issues were not sorted and the end the night we had to take an uber back. You don’t want to know how. much this cost us. At least I can claim the costs from the NS (Dutch Railways). Literally thousands of people could not get home. Susan was starting her new job the next day so we HAD to get back to her place. I would have driven us, but by the time we found out about the chaos I had already had a drink and I never ever get behind the wheel even if I’ve had only one.
Shall we jump into the WRD?
Deborah and Kim are the amazing hosts for the Weekly Run Down! Feel free to join in as well to wrap up your week in fitness!
Plan vs. Actual
Monday – 3.25KM walk, GLI gym 1 hr intake – no workout (appt w/different PT), 3.5KM biking
Tuesday – 3KM walk (office day) to and from train station
Wednesday – 3KM walk, W6R1 run, 6KM, GLI 1 hour, gym 55 min
Thursday – 2.22KM walk, gym
Friday – 2.75KM walk, W6R2 run , gym 55 min
Saturday – 2.5KM walk, parkrun in Alkmaar 5KM, 17/17 Dutch parkruns done!
Sunday – 2KM walk, long run W6R3, 1.4KM w/u walk, 10KM run (!!!)
Week 23
Monday – 1.25KM walk, maybe run in the evening
Tuesday – morning walk 1.25KM (concert in Dusseldorf in the evening)
Wednesday – DAY OFF – 3KM run/ 2.65 KM walk/ 40 min gym
Thursday – 3KM AM walk/run after work 4KM PM walk
Friday – 3KM walk/gym + 5KM lunch run
Saturday – 2KM walk/ parkrun in Maastricht 5KM run / 40 min gym
Sunday – still to come – walk/ gym
Monday – oh my goodness. What a nightmare it was logistically yesterday. I left my friend’s place at 6:45, got home at 7:40, made coffee and started working. So tired. Barely cranked out a walk; no running was happening today.
Tuesday – up at 6:10 for a walk. Day 3/15 for my June goal of walking in the AM before work. I was still tired but managed to get up and do it. Got home, showered, breakfasted, and started work. Had a half day off so around 2pm we headed to Düsseldorf for Depeche Mode gig number 2/3. Much better than Amsterdam because 1) I could see and 2) we were fairly close. Totally different experience. Loved it! Ran into my friend Tim (who I pretty much see at every DM show I go to) again – saw him in Amsterdam as well – he told us it was his 44th concert of Depeche Mode. That’s insane! And here I thought we were excessive – ha! (I think I’ve seen them around 15 – 20 times now, not really certain).

Wednesday – Ugh. we sat in the parking lot for an hour+ last night just trying to leave the stadium. Only arrived home at 2:30am and finally in bed around 3am. Of course the cats don’t know that you are trying to sleep in and their stomachs say its time to get up at 6:30 or earlier. Ron had to work, and I had the day off so I tried to sleep a wee bit longer.
I felt hungover! This lack of sleep thing is for the birds though I do know I did this to myself…
After wayyyyy too long I finally walked to the gym and did my workout. I walked back via the supermarket so my walk total was a wee bit longer than usual. And of course it was Global Running Day so when I was back and Ron was finished with work we went to the park for a run. I managed 3km on my tired legs. No one said there’s a minimum for GRD so these 3km are a win in my book.
Thursday – Another morning walk for me. That’s 4/15 for June. At lunch I had about a 15min catnap out in the back garden for some sun. After work a friend I met recently through Arnhem Together texted me and asked me if I wanted to walk in the park. Who am I to say no? It was pretty hot out there though, I have to say.

Friday – Up again at 6:10 and out the door within 20 min. It’s getting easier! Day 5/15 for my morning walk challenge. The lunch run was a bit more challenging as it’s pretty warm here at the moment. So I did 1km/250m recover and the KM’s were a real slogfest. We did it, that’s what matters!
My excuse for the gym: we ate a little bit too late for my liking and I didn’t feel like going to the gym on a full stomach. We were cutting it close with walking time and closing time at the gym. So I promised myself “tomorrow”.
Saturday – parkrunday! Oh man it was early though; we left at 6:45 to get there at 8:30 only to discover Google maps was now telling us 1:55min driving time. When going to a new place I always like to have a bit of a buffer in case of any issues with parking, etc. Luckily we made it on time! My friend Khry lives near there so she joined us. It was HOT. Super Steamy. This parkrun was three rounds and they had an alternative route due to another event setting up/ taking place in the park. But it was really enjoyable! Very cool park and lovely people there! I did my 1km/250m intervals but couldn’t manage the last 2 full kilometres. Everyone was challenged out there with the heat.
Afterwards we went to where Khry lives, the amazing “White Village” of Thorn, and after we got to see her place, we headed over to the foot of the church and had pancakes. LOVED IT. At some point though we had to head home because… I needed to get to the gym.

At some point I said to Ron, “maybe I’m not going to go” but I think maybe 20 min later I told him I was just going and getting it done. So I did.
Sunday – The focus of today is this little fella:
His name is “Botje” right now (pronounced “bought-cha”) but I don’t really like that name (it means “little bone” <insert super confused face> ) so we are calling him Mr.Pickles.
Hopefully Leo will be the big brother to Mr. Pickles that Charlie was to him.
Still need to do my walk and go to the gym. Let’s see if I’m home on time.
Coming up next week
Obviously still walking 1KM per day.
Monday – walk/ gym, maybe lunch run
Tuesday – morning walk or walk at lunch
Wednesday – DAY OFF – walk/ gym
Thursday – walk/ run after work
Friday – walk/ lunch run
Saturday – walk
Sunday – walk/ gym
That’s a wrap!
Tell me about your week! What was the highlight? What are you looking forward to next week?
Well, I’m exhausted just reading about your week! I’m glad that you have been consistent with your workouts. It’s so easy to take a pass when you’re tired!
Mr Pickles is so cute!
yeah it was exhausting haha! I am really pushing through to be consistent so that it is second nature again. He is a cutie, huh? :)
Wow. That concert?
I can’t believe how much you did despite the fatigue.
Me Pickles is adorable. Looks like my Champ who has the best personality
I’m trying so hard to follow through, you know? I had to keep going. we love Mr. Pickles already!
Congrats on your new addition! Despite the chaos around the concerts, that sounds like so much fun (although for me and my doesn’t like crowds or waiting husband, probably not worth the stress after — then again, we always leave early for the same reason).
Mr. Pickles? Really? Is there a reason behind that name?
sometime we also skip the last song of a concert or at least stand real close to the exit to get out as soon as possible. and usually we/ I don’t go to too many events in the same week or even month!
So I had this name in my head for a while and I don’t know why. But then I was googling names for tuxedo kitties and actually Pickles and Bones were popular names. I realise it’s odd, but we like it haha!
You had a super busy week over there! Looks like lots of fun. I bet Harry Styles was fab. I am seeing Madonna this summer can’t wait. Great job getting up early and out for those walks
very busy but yes very fun! Harry was so so good. I wanted to see Madonna but the ticket prices are outrageous even for nosebleed section!! Thanks Deborah, the morning will be my time very soon!!
How exciting!!!! You’ll have to tell us how Leo and Mr. Pickles get along. He is ADORABLE. It’s nice that after your loss, you were able to provide a home to a new little guy who needs you!
Ha ha… I would be a basket case on that little sleep. Yes, weeks like that are for 25 year olds! But you did it, and go in some good runs and workouts.
I will definitely update in the next WRD about the cats!
I did feel a bit of a basket case – glad I don’t do this regularly!! Thanks Jenny!
Way to go on all those early morning walks! They really are great for revving up the metabolism and jump-starting the energy for the entire day (not that I know anything about that routine, LOL) ;-) All those concerts sound so fun! IMO, the late nights are worth the fatigue for all the fun that comes with them.
Thanks Kim! yes these fun times are worth it, but will continue trying to spread them out a bit more! LOL!
Mr. Pickles is too cute. My neighbor’s dog has the same name ish (Pickles. Ms. Pickle. Pickle Lady)
Sounds like you had the same train issues as my friend did at the Taylor Swift concert here. We really need magic carpets. Glad you can reclaim some of the funds from the rail system
oh that’s funny! Ron had issues not knowing Mr Pickles’ first name (it’s mister hahaha – but he didn’t like that) so we decided on a lovely alliteration name, Paco. Mr. Paco Pickles. why do the trains always break down when literally 10’s of thousands of people need it at the same time?
Welcome Mr Pickles! I love him. So cute!
Sounds like a fun week, even with the train stress. Wow, those were some late nights though, I would feel hungover from lack of sleep too! All worthwhile though…my sister and her 3 daughters are going to be visiting us this week and going to Harry Styles on Wednesday. I opted out, but now I kinda wish I would have decided to join them!
Thanks Jessie! He is adorable. Oh I can’t believe you aren’t going along to Harry! It’s so worth it!
Wow, what a fun but busy week – I also keep remmembering my age (not 25) when I pack too much in. But it’s all fun! Fun concerts indeed (despite the stress)!
it was fun for sure, glad the next events are more spread out. Life is short though, right?
Awww, amazing that you saw two (!) concerts…. and you were so close to my hometown (it’s between Düsseldorf and Köln, I went to university in Düsseldorf!).
I think you had a fantastic, active week!
yeah definitely wasn’t the plan to have two major stadium shows within a couple of days of each other, but worth it! And how cool! We often go to both places, usually for a gig, or parkrun and we even did the Köln marathon several years ago. Or shopping in Oberhausen ha! You should definitely let me know if you are ever visiting, I can easily drive there.
thanks San!
Why does it seem like public transportation is always a sh*tshow after events like concerts and sports games?! It’s so frustrating, but how fun about the concert! I haven’t been to a concert in a few years but they are always such fun events to go too – especially when the crowd is really into it.
right??? I honestly feel like they plan these things and just watch the chaos from the control room laughing ! These two concerts were definitely worth the extra effort!
MR. PICKLES! I love him. I hope he is fitting in and having a great transition.
I can barely function if I go to bed after 9PM, so I know how you feel. I hope you have an easier week, but I also hope you had fun!
he is adorable, right??
trying to hit the hay much earlier this week for sure!
OMG, what an adorable kitten!! ❤️ Hope he is adjusting well to his new family life.
Lucky you to see Harry Styles! I bet that was an amazing show. I did see One Direction about a million years ago with my kids and we were deaf from all of the screaming girls. You really were out late this week – hope you are caught up on sleep now. That is tough! (but what fun you had!!)
yes we do love him already :) I will update on the next WRD how it’s going.
definitely better sleep this week, still thinking about the shows and still happy I went.
Oh wow, you had a super busy (and fun) week! Mr. Pickles is adorable. He’s lucky to have joined your family. :-)