Bye, Bye, Betty

Today was the day I said goodbye to Betty.




Betty and I were not together for very long.  About 21 months.   Together we’ve ridden at least 4,000 KM in that time and that’s not even including all of my daily commute rides to work ( 4KM per day).  When I say that I ride my bike a lot, I really mean it!  My bike is much more important to me than the car and if I CAN bike somewhere I’d rather do that than drive.


If you remember, last summer someone tried to steal Betty (and managed to steal Ron’s wheels) and scratched up her frame pretty badly in addition to completely destroying the lock.  I had insurance so I put in a claim after getting a proper assessment of the damage and a cost estimation of repair or replacement.  It was determined that I could get a new frame and I received compensation from my insurance company.




After a while thought I started thinking, why just get a new frame?  All the parts will be used. I’d have to get new tires sooner or later, maybe replace the crank wheel, or the brakes or who knows?  It started to make more sense to just get a new bike.  The money I received was almost enough.


So Ron bought his new bike (a Merida) at a shop not too far from us and it was then that I started talking to the owner about possibly getting a new Koga for me by way of my insurance payment and trading in the “old” bike.


happy with his new bike (back in July)

After waiting several months (like, six!)  my bike had finally arrived from the factory in Germany.  I picked her up today!  It’s almost the same, only the 2019 version.   Insurance money + trade-in covered everything.


I’ve decided to call her Kolette.  I hope we have a much longer relationship with each other!





Do you have a bike?  What kind do you have? Do you wish you could bike more often than you do?  If you don’t have a bicycle, when was the last time you rode?




I’m linking up with Meranda and Lacey over at Fairytales and Fitness!  Check out the blogs linked up there and join in the fun!

Fairytales and Fitness

15 thoughts on “Bye, Bye, Betty

  1. I have a mountain bike, which I ride periodically but it did not see hardly any action last summer. I actually wrote a blog post a couple years ago…asking for suggestions for a name for it LOL. I never officially gave her (?) a name yet….

  2. O wow, I can’t believe someone tried to steal your bike! I’m glad the insurance money and trade covered the cost of your new bike!
    I have a comfort bike that I really like and in the summer I try to ride on the trails often. Hope you have many happy miles with your new bike!

    1. yes it was actually such a violating experience! I was mad for quite a while. And definitely because they completely stole my husband’s bike. It just sucks. But yes, very glad I had insurance. I never had it until I bought the Koga because of the cost of the bike!

      thank you! I think we’ll have a lot of nice rides together :)

  3. I have an old bike that I rarely ride. The last time might have been when I broke my ankle. Bad memories

  4. Gosh, everything seems to take so long over there! This impatient American wouldn’t like that. Anyways, I’m so glad you could get a new bike! New is good. My old Trek has served me well–we’ve ridden lots of miles and survived quite a few crashes together. Right now it’s in the trainer for indoor rides. I’m getting a little more fearful of riding on the roads these days–drivers are just nuts.

    1. Well, the Koga isn’t mass produced. So when I finally decided to get a new bike there were no more 2018 bikes available. I had to wait until production started for 2019. Admittedly I was also getting impatient. I wish it were much safer for you all in the US.

  5. Nice that you got to get a whole new bike! I got a new bike last summer – a Cannondale road bike. I’d like to ride more often but our local roads just aren’t very safe for cyclists.

  6. I’ve never heard of Koga bikes. Are they available in the US (not that I would know either way – I’m not that big of a connoisseur)? I have a Trek 7.4 FX WSD Womens Hybrid that I purchased about 4 years ago. I really like it and it serves me well. I’ve been good about getting my annual tune-ups. They are free for 10 years after purchase. I bike here and there but not too religiously. I did a bit more biking last summer and am hoping to get more time in this year. Enjoy your new bike! She’s a beaut!

  7. I got my new bike (a Salsa Journeyman) last fall. Like you, I had to wait several months for the 2019 model to arrive. It’s been too cold to ride it so I’ve been riding my spin bike in the basement until my injury heals and I can run again. I can’t wait for spring, we’re signed up for three big rides – one in NYC, one in DC, and one locally on gravel. It’s going to be so fun!

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