How I’m Going to Do It

Recently I read on Mind Over Mayo this great post “Success Breeds Confidence” and thought I would also break out my August Goals in the same way:

1) Define Your Goal – as I posted here, all my goals for August are defined.

2) List the benefits:
a. Food journaling:: with tracking I can actually be more aware of what I am eating, how much and WHY and stop stress eating before it happens.

b. Gym twice a week:: to see changes after being more committed to my new weight circuit program and to get my money’s worth (EUR 43 per month).

c. Benefits of Running and having a KM goal:: conisistent build-up and readiness for the 16KM Dam tot Damloop in September

d. My Victory Log is beneficial to SEE in black and white all of my non-scale accomplishments

e. I love to read and feel like I’ve done something also for my brain.

f. Taking my measurements is beneficial as another way to see progress.

g. I love to cook and love to find new recipes to see how they can fit into my life. A good meal means a LOT to me. To enjoy AND fit things into my health plan makes me feel really good!

h. I could make my grandmother’s day, just by writing her. That also makes my day.

i. Making the appointment is beneficial to putting the wheels in motion for the tattoo I’ve wanted for years. I’m not waiting anymore for “goal”. I’m not waiting for anything anymore.

j. It’s beneficial to my relationships with my friends that I visit them – their lives have changed and I want them to know that our friendship hasn’t changed.

3) My actionable steps are to actually DO all of these things on this list. Especially with food tracking, gym and running – I am simply going to track, there is no half-way. I have made appointments with myself to go to the gym. Hubs is running with me so I have appointments with him. On my gym days I’m packing my bag before I leave for work and eating a large salad in the train on my way home so I just GO.

When I track I will make notes for my Victory log.

I have already picked out a few recipes with Hubs. I am going to pick out a book asap. The other things I just need to do

4) I Definitely have the support of my Hubs. I hope I have support of others, but to be honest, I don’t know who else to ask…

5) I will be keeping a record here, for sure!

6) The last thing I’m going to do is give up. I have come WAY too far to do that!

What are your goals and how are you going to accomplish them?

6 thoughts on “How I’m Going to Do It

  1. Hey, thanks for sharing the blog and all your goals! You definitely got me thinking about mine. I think I want to make a special page that details my goals by week, month, year…well, we’ll see. Anyways, I love your goals, especially the one about writing to your grandmother. I need to do that too…

    1. That’s a great idea actually! This is my “pilot” project for monthly goals. If I like how it works out, I may make a special page too!

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