So Far September

I did not mean to go this long without a post. In fact, I was writing up a post about my trip to Rome on my “regular” blog and I haven’t even finished that one yet. It’s been a little bit busy since I got back. My intention is always to post at least once a week to keep people interested, but also for myself so I don’t easily forget about my accomplishments.

A few things:

1) I wanted to set some September goals, but here we are at the 12th already! So basically my goals are:
a) complete 5K in Arnhem (Bridge to Bridge) – DONE (and kicked ass, thankyouverymuch)
b) complete 16K in Amsterdam on the 19th – bring it on
c) clock at least 85 KM this month running
d) go to the gym. really. just once.
e) write that letter to my grandmother

2) Our trip to Rome was AWESOME. I mean really and completely awesome. We did so many things and I haven’t even been able to sort through all the photos yet and put them online, but there are at least a few (nearly 100!) here if you want to have a look. I absolutely loved Rome and plan on going back. Oh and the food? OMG. Awesome. Seriously. I did not worry about eating while I was there. Pizza. Pasta. Ice Cream. My birthday weekend was definitely one of the best so far. The Highlight? Going running around the Colosseum. Epic. When was the last time YOU ran around the Colosseum in Rome?

3) I have been food tracking but once again the numbers are all over the place. It’s really, really frustrating. I am going to a Dietitian tomorrow, but honestly, it may be time to just accept that I may possibly weigh 80KG for the rest of my life. If I am hungry I’m going to eat. I refuse to walk around completely empty and light-headed, cranky and headachy, in the name of trying to drop a few kilos. Trust me I am not eating anything crazy. I always get my fruits and veggies in. I eat lean meats, fish, my dairy servings. How can you go wrong when you actually snack on roasted vegetables? What I really hate though? Is that people eat way worse than I do and they consistently lose weight. It feels very unfair. But I know. Mom always said “Life is not fair.”

4) In case I failed to mention it, I am doing two more races in November. One is nearly 10K and the other is 15K. They are both closer to home (compared to the 2 races I’ve done in Amsterdam and now 1 in my city) and they both include a buttload of hills. Next year I want to do more races, maybe a half and …

5) Hubs and I decided we are going to do the BERLIN Marathon next September. Berlin, people. Need I say more? It’s only one of my favourite cities in Europe and moreover an amazingly cool city to run in. Last June (2009) we were there for the second time and we’d already started the C25K, so we decided to do two of our runs that week in Tiergarten. Of course I could run a marathon in the Netherlands, but why not combine my passion for travel and running in the same trip? We are going to have to get on a training plan STAT.

For a little glimpse of what this Runner Girl eats:

Last weeks food also included: 2 cookies, 2 mini-Nuts, 2 home-made Curries (that Hubs tailors to my dietary needs)and a Mexican dinner including Mojitos (and beer and wine… oops). For the rest, I eat like those photos show you. I also ran 25KM this week (Sunday to Sunday). Last time I weighed, the result was 80.5KG, up a kilo from the last time I posted here (but down since I returned from Rome).

Ask me what’s in the photos, I love to talk about the kind of food I eat!

That’s my update for now, but I have a few other posts up my sleeve which I can hopefully get to this week as well.

7 thoughts on “So Far September

  1. If you feel comfortable with this weight maybe it´s time to stop dieting and accept it. If not, work on it.

    I loved Rome too, back then I wasn´t a runner so can´t say I ran around the Collosseum.

    I think we are doing the same races in November: Bergrace and Zevenheuvelenloop?

    I don’t think I will see you next week as the ladies run starts at 9.55 am and I think I’m going to be home again when the real Dam tot Damloop starts.

    1. well, that’s the thing… I’m not always super comfortable at this weight. I still would like to be rid of the muffintop. I am perfectly ok being a size 42 but I don’t like the stomach bits hanging over my belt/jeans.

      shame I won’t see you at the Dam to Dam, but hopefully we can meet at the Bergrace or Zevenheuvelen Run. Or sooner if you’d like!

  2. Ooohh, your food looks so yummy! What is on the crispbread in the top right hand corner, it looks very interesting

    Thank you for the supportive comments on my blog- it means a lot, especially from someone as fit as you!

    Your trip sounded amazing and i am so glad you had a wonderful birthday.

    Have a happy week


    1. Hey Lesley! That is a wee bit of goats cheese plus some spicy aubergine-tomato spread (baba ganoush). it was very tasty!

      you are so welcome and thank you for calling me fit!

      I wish you a happy week as well! xx

  3. I’m still totally jealous of your run around Rome – AH-MAZ-ING!
    Your food looks pretty awesome too. I am now trying to figure out how you did that 3×4 photo cube thing (I love it!)

    I definitely vote for ditching the tracking for a while and focusing on something other than the numbers. You may find its just the change you need if you’re feeling prepared for it.

    PS – your running plans sound both ambitions and like great adventures. What’s better than that?

    1. I’m also still in awe about it Meegan! It was really epic for me!

      The photo thing is just a gallery on wordpress – I selected all the photos I wanted and it arranged it for me. I’m not very technical, so I was pleasantly surprised that it turned out so well.

      I went to another dietitian today, so I’ll be writing about that as well. But yes I’m READY with counting points.

      I agree – the running should be ambitious and adventurous! I am really looking forward to each achievement!

  4. Which distance are you doing at the Bergrace? I’m just in for the 5.6K because my best friend is running too and we’re there for the fun.

    Zevenheuvelenloop will be a challenge to meet as there are so many participants there.

    You live in Arnhem right? Maybe we could meet somewhere for coffee someday? I live near Amersfoort. It sure would be nice to meet you.

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