The Insanity that was April

What a month.  Man.  Am I glad that’s over.  I still have an unfinished post for Week 13, but I figured better to try and get April closed off now and move on.


April 1 + 2 and Week 14
Weekend of 1 + 2 did homework, housework, walked and biked (after picking up bike from repair shop due to blown tire on the way home from training Friday night). RoPa Run charity event in the evening 1st April. Ron ran 30KM Sunday and I biked with him.

30KM bike support for the marathon man
along graffiti row

Week 14 – started walking at lunch (Monday/ Wednesday), started dry needling sessions for the trigger points in my lower back and bum. Weighed in Monday at 77.5KG. Skipped training Monday night due to school priorities, went on Friday night.

lunch walk


Saturday was school all day, Ron went to Rotterdam early to pick up our race packets. Right after school I hoofed it  to the train station to get to Rotterdam in time to eat dinner (not too late, due to the race in the morning).


we were literally right across from the 1/4 marathon start line – and across from my favorite cube houses
Rotterdam Relaxing

Sunday – Rotterdam Marathon!  Ron ran the marathon (as a “training”) and I ran the 1/4 marathon.  This was supposed to be my PR race, the race I was training for with Runiversity but, alas, once again I had to switch priorities and also accept that my body wasn’t quite ready for it.  Had a GREAT time though, my girl Babette and I ran the whole way together and just had FUN!   The marathon started at the same time (different location) so we finished and then spent the rest of the day along different points of the course to cheer on friends and Ron of course.  Most of the Runiversity runners were running the Marathon for the very first time so I was very happy to be there to support.


Flat Pinky!
matchy matchy with Babette



Found the Fonz along the way


so much fun running with Babette <3

Week 15
Walking at lunch again this week (Monday/Tuesday), started swimming lessons (breaststroke), had dry needling again and had my first appointment with (yet another) Sport Physio.  On Thursday I ran with Gerrit, and on Friday Ineke and I worked on final preparations for our presentation at school Saturday.  Amazingly enough, we got through the presentation without flubbing it all up. One for the books – my first presentation fully in Dutch!

another beautiful day for a lunch walk

A friend of mine invited me out for drinks Saturday as another friend was visiting from London, so after school and dinner we went out! It was a long time since I’d really been out to a hip and cool bar (where the youngsters hang out of course) and it was SO MUCH FUN.

time to celebrate with friends!

That meant that Sunday (Easter) was a totally lazy day. Felt good to just sleep in and watch Netflix!  (we don’t do anything for Easter or really any of these types of holidays.  We just like to have the time off and certainly appreciate it.  Not against religious holidays, just not religious!)
Week 16
Easter Monday we had the day off. Ron and I ran together – my first long run of this year, 16KM. Basically we did 13 and then stopped off for coffee, then 3KM home from the café.  I was surprised at how well it actually went.  Happy about this, since I have my first half marathon of the year coming up.

Heading out for my first run longer than 10KM

Back to work Tuesday, walk at lunch, swimming in the evening, Wednesday no walk as I had dry needling at lunch and the sport physio after work. Thursday I left work a tiny bit early to get out to Amsterdam to see a former colleague for dinner. Friday got up  early, Ron dropped me off at Gerrit’s to take care of his kitty for the weekend (it was day 1 so I wanted to get there in the morning)  Spent quite some time walking downtown, to the library, a few shops, etc. Then home to study. Last Runiversity training was Friday night – we ended up doing a sort of boot camp session.

something about blue sky and fresh air … just invigorating!


boot camp babe

Saturday was study and run errands.  I wanted to be sure to go to bed early and get enough sleep,  because Sunday I was replacing someone in my RoPa run team for our team practise session.  As I mentioned some time ago, I’m not running on the team, I’m supporting the team during the RoPa run as a massage therapist (and whatever else I’m needed for like making coffee or sandwiches).Sleeping was not meant to be.  I slept horribly and woke up (late I might add) feeling really off. This never happens to me! I couldn’t eat my breakfast and I struggled really with all food.  And still I ran a total of almost 17KM throughout the course of the day.  I do not recommend doing this – I was totally broken for 2 full days afterwards.  Not enough food, not enough water.  Deep respect to my RoPa run team members.  We did one “block” as a training;  for the real thing they do 5 blocks of around 70KM in total.  I am fairly certain I will never do something like this. Personally I found a marathon to be easier!!  At least you keep going!  With the RoPa run everyone takes turns running about 1.5KM and then switching.  One of the hardest things I’ve experienced.

The Team!
Femke tagging me for the next leg.
home stretch RoPa run practise. amazing I made it this far with the way I was feeling…


Week 17

As I mentioned I was off-grid for two full days after the practise run.  Monday and Tuesday I only worked in the morning and went home at lunch to rest and try to eat something.  No swimming on Tuesday.  By Wednesday I was feeling better and good thing – I had dry needling in the morning (at 8am – nothing like getting needles stuck in your a$$ first thing in the morning).   In the evening I had sports massage (because sometimes we need massage too).  Did some studying in the evening.    No walking at all at work this week since we only had 3 days and 2 of them I’d already gone home at lunch.

Thursday was King’s Day here in the Netherlands so a day off for pretty much everyone (but people working in bars, cafes and restaurants).   I studied and I ran and then we decided we would go ahead and go into town to celebrate a bit.  Actually hit up a few places (avoided the most crowded areas in town – it’s actually craziness in most cities in the Netherlands on this day – EVERYONE is partying), and since I was eating fairly normally again we were able to finally check out the “other”  mexican restaurant in town (there used to be only one and it’s AWFUL), which was pretty good.  Had a couple of beers and saw a few friends in town along the way.

King’s Day Running


Friday was my normal day off and I spent it studying most of the day.  I wanted to get out and run a bit but it just didn’t happen.  We had already decided earlier in the week that if the weather was ok and I was feeling ok we’d go participate in the Rietvelt Natuurmarathon (Nature Marathon) in the Oostvaardersplassen.  Participants could run as a duo – one person runs for a bit, the other is on the bike and then switches.  There were also “solo” runners – this runner runs the whole marathon his/herself and they had bike support for the full distance as well.  Of course my husband had to do a marathon as a training (because… the “real”  marathon is Liverpool end of May and Chicago in October).    It was an absolutely gorgeous day.  I had never been out to this nature reserve (in my whole 20+ years here!) and I was just completely in awe of how gorgeous it was.  Even if there was a point where we had to run and bike through what felt like the Amityville Horror Swarm of Flies.  On the way home we also stopped off at Radio Kootwijk – another place I’ve never been.  I love this country so much!   So tiny yet so many things still left to discover!


Heading off to Lelystad with the bike in tow.
He’s ready to rock and roll again!
gorgeous nature
the marathon man in action
Typical Dutch – it’s days like these that make me love this place even more.
At Radio Kootwijk
Radio Kootwijk

Sunday back to studying again,  went to Gerrit’s for his birthday gathering and then came home,  had a lovely 5k run, dinner, more studying and then prepping for work again.


April Nutshell:

Walking at lunch: 13.55KM (5 times)
Running: 62.4KM (8 times)
Swimming: 2 lessons
Biking: (not counting commutes) 97.8 (5 recorded rides)

Because of school I completely scrapped everything else which means my house is slightly messy, I didn’t log my food on MFP and I didn’t achieve cleaning out my cupboards and getting my starbucks mugs sold. It’s ok; basically school and continued movement are at the top of the list right now and everything else is a bonus.

It’s May 1st today and amazingly enough, after ALL of the stress and busy-ness (and the beers and not logging my food), I lost 1.3KG in April.

I’ve decided for May I’m not setting any specific goals due to exams coming up on the 13th.  So basically I’m just going to keep things in check as much as possible and keep moving.  After the 13th I can re-assess and see what I want to tackle next.


How was your April?  Did you achieve your goals?  Or were you crazy busy like I was? 



It’s Monday and  I’m linking up this post on the Weekly Wrap again this week from HoHo Runs and MissSippiPiddlin – check out their blogs as well AND the links that others have dropped in the link up!

16 thoughts on “The Insanity that was April

  1. Wow, such a busy and successful month! Congrats!! I love getting to see the Dutch countryside through your eyes… it’s almost as good as going on vacation. :)

    1. Thanks Alyse! This weekend was simply amazing as far as scenery goes! thanks for the comment!

  2. I love your pictures from Rotterdam – those cube houses are just gorgeous! April was a fine month but I’m SO ready for May. Our snow is finally gone and I can have the little ones outside more enjoying the weather. So happy for that! Happy running – keep up your ambitious training!

    1. thanks Amy! Rotterdam is actually my favorite city in the Netherlands! I never tire of it! I’m so glad you and your little ones can get outside more now that your snow is gone. crazy that so many of us had such cold weather for so long!

  3. Congrats on your presentation! I’ve been living in China/Hong Kong for two years and can only speak minimal functional Mandarin ;) I loved all the photos of your part of the world… new reader on board here!

    1. thanks Amy! I’ve been here in NL a really long time but only went back to school last year… otherwise I’ve always worked in a global environment where English was the business language! No need to do anything like a presentation in Dutch! First time for everything right?? Learning a second language is really tough! I can’t even imagine Mandarin!! How long will you be there?

  4. Wow. Crazy busy indeed! I love seeing Rotterdam. I’ve ridden that train many times. Love those Ink n Burn tanks!

    1. Babette and I were “testing” out our outfits for Dublin! She’s an INKnBURN ambassador so her enthusiasm has transferred to me!

  5. You look like you are really enjoying it there! I love looking at your pictures–fun to see how life is across the pond…

    1. I do enjoy my life here for the most part. Occasionally I long to go “back” but at this stage I wouldn’t even know where I’d go. Coincidentally Ron and I were talking about it the other day and we were imagining it would be either Portland or Chicago. But… my parents are in Albuquerque and they are not getting any younger… then again Portland / Chicago is still closer to ABQ than the Netherlands!

  6. I love that tank you are wearing in the 1/4 marathon! I’m curious why it says PINKY and KELLY on your bibs? Did I miss something? LOL. Those cube houses are so cool. Congrats on your presentation in Dutch! Good luck on your exams this month too. I know you’ll be happy to have that behind you. Thanks for linking, Renee!

    1. “Pinky” is my nickname and sometimes I register for races with that name so it’s on my bib. Babette was too late with signing up, but in the end was able to get a bib transfer from someone named Kelly :) It was too late to change the name on the bib though. There are many races here that you can transfer (you pay the sign up fee plus and admin fee) to someone else and with very popular races it happens a lot.

      Rotterdam truly is my favorite Dutch city!

      Thanks for commenting, Holly!!

    1. Thanks Michelle! we were definitely having a good time. I can’t wait to smash up Dublin again with her!

  7. Oh wow, you had a busy April! My April was calm, but May will be super busy. I loved all of your pictures and seeing the beautiful countryside. Thanks for sharing!

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