(written from the Beach in Stalida, Crete) At the beginning of each year, we are blasted with suggestions to “lose weight” and “get fit” because of course we have to look good for Valentine’s Day or Spring Break. Then around…
Whatever You Want To Call It
So, hey guys – who listened to Two Fit Chicks Podcast #14 this week? As I love MizFit and Shauna, I of course was very keen on hearing their episode on Intuitive Eating. There were a lot of things they…
Just a little eye candy
I never did show you guys the running skirt I bought a while back. I do love it, but I have to say, it’s too big! A luxury problem, I know. The first skirt I bought from www.runningskirts.com was in…
I’m Still Amazed
Since June 7th, 2009, after I got my new running shoes as a reward for losing weight and reaching a mini-goal of under 90KG, I have logged over 600 Kilometers on my Nike +. SIX HUNDRED. Dudes, that’s like to…
New Domain
Hi All I’ve got my own domain for this weight loss/ healthy living blog. Please visit me there! Lowfat Pie I’m still working out some kinks, but I hope to have it all sorted out soon!
Seven More Days
Seven more days and I’ll be lying next to the pool or on the beach in Crete. There have been a LOT of changes since the last time I went on holiday with the kids and Hubs to Greece. That…
What to do when your head space is freed up to enjoy each moment
I’ve been thinking over the past few days about how I can really make a proper schedule for myself and how to actually execute it. My “dietitian”, Hubs and my coach all mentioned that to really have a life –…
Just wanted to report in that I had a GREAT day today. Yesterday I had a MEGA fail at running… or so I thought and then I switched it around… You know what? I tried! I went out there even…
So What?
Yesterday I met with my coach – I have been going through coaching for a few months now, for work, but it’s also helping me with my personal outlook on life – and there was something that we talked about…
The Road To Hell
Was paved with good intentions… That’s what the past, oh, I don’t know, 10 days has been like. Lots of half-blogs written, goals jotted down, notes of “I’m going to fill-in-the-blank-here” but honestly, it’s all been just a cover-up of…