Oh, yeah. That Project I was working on. The exercise. The food. I seem to have run out of steam. And isn’t that funny, right after I finally broke under 80 Kilos. Right after I went on a fabulous shopping…
Another Vlog
but it’s not the total update, stay tuned for more… [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ATChzXHC_G0]
Three Days Past an Update and a Quarter Past Your Life
Normally on Saturdays or Sundays, I like do to the Old Project:42 update and re-cap basically what I intended to do vs. what I did do. You know what they say about intentions right? Something about a road, and Hell……
Vlog Fail and The List
Yesterday I made another Vlog. I decided I would try to do this for a while, do a vlog and try to connect using this medium instead of just writing. Hubs goes to school on Thursdays, so it was a…
After going to the dietitian Monday evening and feeling very pissed off and frustrated about the advice I was given, on Tuesday I went to my Weight Watchers meeting as planned. I hadn’t weighed in at a meeting since sometime…
The So-Called "Experts"
I’ve been a Weight Watcher for over 10 years now. In fact that’s just since the 2nd time I became a member, in September of 1999. The first time was somewhere in 1991 or 1992, I don’t remember exactly. Back…
Girly Runner
I am so excited! I bought a new running skirt and it’s already packaged and ready to be shipped to me. I feel like a real running nerd (I may not be FAST or the BEST there is but I…
Project 42:5
Update from last week: These were my goals: 1) Eat well. Track Monday – Friday. (Sat – Friday no longer possible). 2) Running – 2 times 3) Get thee to the gym! Will go the evening I do not see…
A Week-Long Food Diary
well, 5 days anyway:
Recently had the honor of being presented this lovely Blog Award from Shrinkingirl. So to properly receive this gift, I present to you my first (and last?) video log. I must say, I may sound and look stoned, I assure…