April 2023 – what??? Welcome to this week’s Fit Five Friday – it’s the first Friday of the month and you know what that means… ULTIMATE COFFEE DATE! *cue celebrations* WELOME to Fit Five Friday with with your FIVE amazing hosts – me, My…
Tag: Spinning
WRD: Week 21:2021 – My last real Weekly Run Down for a bit
Wait, what? Well if you read my post on Friday, then you know why. I’m not going to do a WRD for a bit until I’m actually “running” (walking?) something down for the week. The Weekly Run Downs are such…
WRD: Week 24 Back in the Saddle
This week was finally a bit “normal” – I wasn’t sick, I worked four days, and I got a lot of activity in. Little Love Note to the Commenters: I’m so sorry I haven’t replied on comments the last few…
Week 1 -Thank You For Being So Kind
I’m joining Wendy and Holly this week (and hopefully next week too, hey!) for the weekly wrap! Join in with your fitness related post to get and receive support from other super cool and fabulous bloggers. Can you believe the…
Week 14 – 2018: Still a challenge
it’s still quite challenging here – just so busy and I seem to have lost (or am losing) a balance. I feel exhausted. Even with the day off Monday and my normal day off Friday, I still feel wrecked.…
Lucky Week 13
Ah Finally. I think we are over the slump. First of all, we spent quite a lot of time discussing it and weighing the pros and cons, even without having the offer, and we are not going to go…
Catching Up || Recap: Week 11 + 12 2018
After my so called “hard reset” I still had some work to do. Training Week 11 was supposed to have minimum three runs, but once again I had only two. Monday night with Vincent’s Group was again intervals and technique…
Week 5-18: Let the training commence!
Well, as I mentioned in Week 4 , week 5 was kind of going to be a doozy so I had to really focus on what I could and couldn’t do and promptly let go of the latter so I could…
January Recap: A decent Start
It’s Friday, but no Friday Five from me today. wah wah wah…. Instead I bring you the recap that was January. January was a fairly decent start. I would like to see some improvements. I would like to manage…
Week 4-18: Another week bites the dust
Another pretty busy week. BUT… I feel like I had a bit more of a handle on things. This week I really wanted to try to get my focus back on the small goals I set out for myself (like…