Wait, what?
Well if you read my post on Friday, then you know why. I’m not going to do a WRD for a bit until I’m actually “running” (walking?) something down for the week. The Weekly Run Downs are such a great way to connect to other runner and fitness bloggers. I will contribute to that when I’m able again. In the meantime I will still be checking in with everyone!
Oh yeah and two other little tidbits for this week – I GOT MY VACCINATION!!!

And… I finished the Criss-Cross Virtual Challenge!! I had less than 5KM to do after notparkrun, and considered just getting it done later on in the day, but then decided to walk to the vaccination site Sunday to get the rest of the mileage in (total 6KM).

Let’s Go Ahead and Run Down The Week

Deborah and Kim are the amazing hosts for the Weekly Run Down! Feel free to join in as well to wrap up your week in fitness!
Plan vs. Actual
Monday – 3.25KM walk, GLI gym 1 hr intake – no workout (appt w/different PT), 3.5KM biking
Tuesday – 3KM walk (office day) to and from train station
Wednesday – 3KM walk, W6R1 run, 6KM, GLI 1 hour, gym 55 min
Thursday – 2.22KM walk, gym
Friday – 2.75KM walk, W6R2 run , gym 55 min
Saturday – 2.5KM walk, parkrun in Alkmaar 5KM, 17/17 Dutch parkruns done!
Sunday – 2KM walk, long run W6R3, 1.4KM w/u walk, 10KM run (!!!)
Week 21 – more rain, sunny at the end
Monday – 6.5KM walk (holiday in NL)
Tuesday – RPM 71, 6KM walk after work
Wednesday – 6.56KM run after work
Thursday – Bodypump 105, 6.5KM walk after work
Friday – 8.3KM walk
Saturday – 8KM run (w/u notparkrun, c/d)
Sunday – Bodypump 110, 6KM walk
This week I walked 33.3 kilometers. Total steps for the week 88,248 or 12.606 average steps per day. There will be a dramatic drop already next week in steps because my feet kind of need a break.
Monday – wanted to check the American Football field myself, so walked up near the hospital, crossed the road to the Sport Park and then through Zypendaal it was.
I loved this happily-eating-tree-leaves cow as well. Oh and It looked like it was going to rain when I reached the sport park as you can see in the football field photo, then came through with that promise before I got to the cow and then stopped.

Tuesday – there was no way to escape a rainy walk. The whole way…

Thursday – if you can’t find the sunshine in the sky, find something sunny on the wall.

Friday – was so immersed in podcasts that I forgot a photo. so this one was from a break-in-the-clouds moment on Thursday.

Sunday – Finally some sun!! Walked to the vaccination site which happens to be next door to work. About 2KM walk. Then walked the long way back up to the Steenstraat and home.
Wednesdays run was particularly tough because I missed running at lunch due to the fact that it bucketed down all day. It’s much harder for me to run after work these days (when I used to do it all the time) because I am so sedentary at home.

Saturday’s notparkrun was very pleasant, but there were only 4 of us. Still lovely to see the boys again. And the weather was just perfect!

Ron was feeling particularly playful afterwards and decided to get on the swings near our house. Then regretted it later (back issues. we are getting so old, man)

Cross Training
Tuesday was Team Pie Gym Date of course! I did RPM 71 for the first time and it will definitely go on the list of “to repeat” classes!

Thursday lunch time it was time for some Bodypump. I did release 105 because it was filmed in Amsterdam. I didn’t hate it but it wasn’t my favorite. There was however a super killer lunge/squat track involved. Burning legs for days…

Sunday morning was my last chance to do another BP session for the week. I really did mean to do it on Saturday but I got busy doing other things. I went with 110 because I just really enjoy it and can tell where I have made improvements as well (like doing all the squats and all the tricep dips).

The weather definitely improved later on in the week and should stay at least a few days. It is just so much more pleasant when it’s not gray and drizzly (and cold!) all day!
That’s a wrap!
How was your week? What was your favorite workout this week? If you got the vaccination, which one did you get? I got the Janssen (same as J&J) vaccine and Ron will get the same.
I will leave you with this cute GIF of Leonardo helping Ron foam roll !
such a helpful kitty
Somehow I missed your post on Friday but just went back and read it. GOOD LUCK with your surgery and recovery! Sounds like you’ve done your research and made a good decision. Keep us posted on how it goes!
HOORAY for getting your shot! Since it’s the same as J&J I’m assuming it’s just one dose? That’s so exciting. Will be thinking about you and hoping all goes well!
Thanks Jenny! I will come back and update at some point soon after the surgery. And yes, 1 shot only! Ron gets his on Sunday!
Yay for getting vaccinated! I guess that happened alot sooner than you expected! I got Pfizer but everyone else in my family got Moderna. Good luck with your surgery!
Yes I thought maybe it would be mid June but I got a spot right away when I called for the appt! Did you have a choice what your vaccine was or was it also random? Seems to be random here. Those born in 1967 and 1968 got J&J and then 1969 and 1970 got Moderna. Maybe we’re a controlled test group? (we’re the first to get J&J here). Thanks Lisa!
sorry your’e taking a break, but I totally get it! I miss a recap sometimes.
Looks like a beautiful day for not-parkrun!
I won’t be away long, just a wee break. It was glorious for notparkrun for sure!
I got Moderna. You are lucky you didn’t! Glad you finally got yours & can now plan to go see your parents.
Yeah, your rain made it across the pond. But you can’t change weather so just have to try to motivate — but it definitely is difficult when it’s so gray.
Yeah everyone has different stories of side effects! strange! I already tried to plan with my parents to go in October and they were like “Oh we’re going to Spain that whole month”. GEEZ. Fine! haha!
hope YOUR weather improved this week.
Going to read your Friday post. I am so behind! I skip run downs on occasion and post when I’m not running. So I get both sides. I got Moderna and unlike Judy, had no real side effects. Just some sleepiness that also coincided with allergy season, so two culprits.
Yeah it’s really different per person it seems! I had no side effects except a big ole headache and that went away with some coffee and paracetamol!
I missed a few recaps this month–life gets in the way. I do like the connection with the others, which is really why I’m still here.
Congrats on the vaccine and good luck with your surgery!!!
Definitely going to check in with everyone, at least that’s the plan! Just won’t have my own WRD.Thanks Wendy!!
Yay for getting the vaccine! And having your surgery scheduled. I’m sure you will be back to walking soon. Oof on being too old for the swings — at least he wasn’t old enough to know better. ;-)
I am going to do my best to keep a good positive mindset and take it one step at a time. I’ve read and heard many stories of very fit women who were walking 1 or 2km per day already a week after their surgery. Obviously everyone is different but I’m keeping positive.
and poor guy has been struggling all week with his back. which means I’ve been using my rusty massage skills to give him a little relief now and then.
Congrats on the vaccine finally! Good luck w your surgery and keep us posted on your recovery
Thanks Deborah! I will keep you all posted. x
Glad to hear you are finally vaccinated.
Even though it poured for my 10 mile race, it was my favorite of the week.
Good luck.
Please keep up posted on your recovery.
Thanks Darlene. I feel so bad that you had Dutch weather for your race. I will definitely keep you all posted.
Your weather sounds a lot like the weather we had a week prior to last week (rain, everyday, for EIGHT days). I agree, the rain and gray skies do not make for a cheerful day. Glad the vaccine finally became a reality for you (and for Ron). And a big congrats for finishing the IL Criss Cross! That was a good one to check-off for me, too ;-) I’ll be thinking of you as you undergo your surgery…hope all goes well and your recovery is mild ;-)
Thanks Kim! and girl we have you beat at about 19 of 21 days in the 40’s with rain!!! I’m so glad I finished the challenge. I don’t think I ever walked so much in one month!! I will keep you all posted on my recovery.
I’m so happy you were able to get vaccinated! I got my second shot of Moderna on Wednesday and aside from feeling a little sluggish had no issues. I hope you had no side effects.
Sending you good vibes for your surgery & wishing you a smooth recovery!
Thanks Michelle. All the good vibes for the surgery are really appreciated!
I got Pfizer. That is great you got the vaccine! I am happy for you. I love getting on the swings too. Makes me feel like a kid again.
was it also random choice for you on the vaccine or did you get to choose? Ron has regretted the swings all week!
Yay for vaccination! I’m so happy for you and Ron!
same! we’re not fully out of the woods but there is real hope now!
Yay for getting your vaccination! My husband and I both got Pfizer.
Poor Ron, I feel his pain about doing something just for fun like jumping on a swing and then paying the price. It’s such a bummer that we work so hard to fight the aging process and yet the littlest thing can set off a pain.
I hope the sun is still shining brightly there! We just got home and it’s really dreary, but at least it’s not still in the 40’s and 50’s like it was all weekend. We really lucked out by being in Florida.
I’m glad most people I know are getting vaccinated. I mean I do feel a little bit right now that it’s a choice. I can’t force anyone you know. As long as people don’t berate me for my choice. I know a few people now who are NOT going to get it and I just think, well, ok… your decision. Maybe they will change their minds later.
Ron’s been regretting the swing action all week unfortunately!
Sun’s been here all week! it’s glorious! You got your dose in Florida that is for sure!