July No Goals Goals

Not a typo, ladies and gents, this month my goals are…



wait, what?

Yeah.  No.  Seriously.  Ok, maybe I have goals but they are regular goals that never change, there’s nothing new and that’s actually not helping me focus on anything.  I mean “Goal:  lose weight”  Right.  How you gonna do that, Pinky?  By doing the same thing you’ve always done because you just can’t figure out any other way?  It’s not helping me.  I’m not helping me.  So let’s put that “goal” on the back burner right now, m’kay?

So let me just tell you what I have in store:

  1. Runiversity Training – Monday and Friday trainings, Social Mile on Wednesday (fun run, not training), Saturday morning “Primal Movement” and Sunday Long Run.  I’m pain-free (can I get a “hallelujah!”) and I want to start moving forward again with running.
  2. Sports Massage – as in I’m the one massaging – Tuesday nights and Friday in the afternoon.
  3. Swimming – freestyle laps, Friday morning


The rest is fluff and fun.  The weight loss goes on hold, there are no real “goals” for my race in August (just to run non-stop).  I’m hoping for a bit of social life to see some friends I haven’t seen for a while and for a summer holiday and the rest will kind of be just getting on with it.


What do you think about No Goals?  Do you need a goal to achieve something?  Do you think that goals exist subconsciously even if we say we aren’t setting any? 


11 thoughts on “July No Goals Goals

  1. I think that No Goals is necessary sometimes. It’s a good way for you to reset and think about what is really important to you. I actually plan on doing this after my Fall marathons.

  2. this is pretty much my line of thinking Kim. I mean the Half is important and that’s why I am training again with Runiversity but I feel like it’s enough and for the rest I just need a reset.

  3. Hallelujah! I’m so glad you’re pain free. Summers are always hard for me….I stop teaching for 2 months and work exclusively in restaurants til very late at night. My whole schedule is turned upside down. I haven’t set any goals for July but I want to work on a few things. It sounds like you are doing the best for you. Xo

    1. gosh Jen, maybe it’s really better if you don’t set any huge goals for the next two months!

  4. I don’t set monthly goals. If I’m training for a race, I train but the goal thing makes me nuts. That and the grading of the goals–I’m good just running.

    1. I get this! I just feel like I’m not good at running lately so “just running” is kind of feeling a bit worthless. Who knew that not running as much as I did in the past would have such an affect on me? But yes, I totally understand what you are saying!

  5. I like your idea of fluff and fun. I’m not a fan of goals (and loathe new year resolutions). I do keep a general idea of what I’d like to accomplish. But saying I’m going to do ABC adds too much stress for me.

    1. I think I’m going to keep up the no goal trend for a little while. It IS stressful especially when there are so many outside factors which can keep you from reaching goals!!

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