As you all know, I was on vacation this week; I did have plans in the house and to do Adult Things such as taxes, but, well… is that really what vacation is for, even during a pandemic?

I did not get to see my friend Yvonne due to exposure “scare” at her house but I did get to see my friend Marie-Jose for a nice walk so that was good. I also saw Marieke (my massage therapist), Wendy and Vincent and even Dafne (my co Event-Director for parkrun) stopped by to bring back the Garmin I loaned her while hers was in the shop.
There was a lot of sleep this week too. And we are plowing through many things on Netflix these days as well (currently watching Peaky Blinders). Not that I’m particularly proud of that but there is not much else we can do since everything is closed and we have a curfew …
Let’s get to the Weekly Run Down then, shall we?

Deborah and Kim are the amazing hosts for the Weekly Run Down! Feel free to join in as well to wrap up your week in fitness!
Plan vs. Actual
Monday – 3.25KM walk, GLI gym 1 hr intake – no workout (appt w/different PT), 3.5KM biking
Tuesday – 3KM walk (office day) to and from train station
Wednesday – 3KM walk, W6R1 run, 6KM, GLI 1 hour, gym 55 min
Thursday – 2.22KM walk, gym
Friday – 2.75KM walk, W6R2 run , gym 55 min
Saturday – 2.5KM walk, parkrun in Alkmaar 5KM, 17/17 Dutch parkruns done!
Sunday – 2KM walk, long run W6R3, 1.4KM w/u walk, 10KM run (!!!)
Week 12
Monday – 5.43KM walk, 45 min strength training
Tuesday – RPM 79, 7KM walk, 40 min strength training
Wednesday – 7KM run +1.81KM walk w/u + c/d, 45 min body pump
Thursday – 7.42KM walk, 40 min strength training
Friday – 4.77KM walk, 10 min yoga stretch
Saturday – 5KM notparkrun + 2.84KM walk w/u + c/d
Sunday – 10.5KM walk
I would say this was a good running week in general. Though Wednesday’s run was kind of tough for some reason – for Ron as well – and my actual mileage likely a bit more than 7 due to a human error with the Garmin, I still call it a success.
Saturday morning; again it was raining at 7am, but stopped around 8. There were 7 of us running at 8:30 (no more than 4 in a group is the rule these days). Because there were two new runners I told the group to split up in two and go ahead at their pace to show the route to the new runners and I would go around by myself.
I honestly wasn’t sure if I would run with the same effort as I have been whilst running WITH someone. But sure enough… another 35 seconds off last week’s time!
I walked quite a bit this week, but there were no early morning walks. I’ll be picking that up again next week! Monday was lovely in the park, with many signs of spring.
Tuesday I had a massage at lunch so later in the afternoon I walked through Klarendal and the Spijkerkwartier and then back home. I forgot about the @dopie.dsk mural that was on the Spijkerstraat so it was fun to see again. Nice and colourful as per usual!

Thursday I had to go over to the old apartment to pick up my stimulus check (yay!) so I made sure to get a good walk in and then stop by to see Wendy and Vincent on the way back. They were home, so why not?

Friday I was able to go into town with Marie-Jose; we grabbed a to-go coffee and then walked down along the Rhein. It was windy but otherwise gorgeous! And lovely as usual to see her, though she gave me the news that she’s moving soon! Am very happy for her and it’s not too far away but right now she lives less than 300m from me!

Since Ron has really started running again, he suggested Sunday that we walk together to the ‘entrance’ of Meinerswijk; I could walk one round and he would do two rounds running. A brilliant idea! So my first and last 3KM of my walk was with my favorite person!

And I was lucky this time, fluffy baby cows AND wild horses!
Strength and Spin
This week I had Monday, Tuesday and Thursday my new strength program and, yeah… on Wednesday I did bodypump!
Because I had a massage Tuesday at lunch, I did RPM 79 on Tuesday morning.

(and yes I have my knee taped)
Other Stuff
As I mentioned, nothing was done in the house this week. Though we did buy a second-hand bookcase for in the living room, so that we can finally put our books somewhere. Of course it has to be sanded and painted …
I mentioned on Friday that I was trying to make a video of myself for Arnhem Together. It only took 386 takes in total but it’s finally done. I still feel like a giant dork, but hey, progress! I honestly don’t know how people can do videos so naturally. Is it just epic editing skillz?
Stats this week:
Walking: 39.77 KM
Running 12KM
Bodypump 1 , 3 Strength, 1 yoga stretch
Spin bike 1 x RPM
Total steps: 90,957 (avg: 12,993 daily)
That’s a wrap!
Glad you had a good vacation- sometimes its nice to do nothing! I am taking a little time off this week but it will be filled with appointments, errands, and chores around the house.
A vacation should be time off, right? No need to feel bad about a low-key week. Glad you got to see one of your friends. I had lunch outside with a friend yesterday – it was so nice here! Whatever the video skill are, I don’t have them. :-P
Hard pass on doing taxes on vacation, even if it’s a staycation. And no, we haven’t touched ours yet. Unfortunately I just don’t take time off work anymore and I need to change that because we don’t have any company holidays until Memorial Day.
Sounds like a nice week–sometimes doing nothing is just what a person needs. I had a few days out of the office for virtual education and after that, I wished i took vacation time. I have loads of PTO–I do have some time off planned for summer.
Sounds like a nice relaxing vacation! And lots of time with friends (despite the curfew and rules of course!) Love the park pictures, so pretty.
Yep, a vacation is the time to do nothing. Sure, make plans but if they don’t happen, that is OK!
It’s so nice to see you on such a running roll, Renee!
Sounds like a decent staycation to me. No plans for a vacation yet, but I’m really hoping once we’re both vaccinated, around the end of May, we can go somewhere local for a couple of nights. We’ll see.
How cool to see calves & wild horses! A sure sign of spring (the calves).
I’ve been very tired since my first vaccine, just read a thread where some women said they really struggled with energy for months. Oh joy — I was just getting mine back! Hoping that is not the case for me.
What a great week, with lots of consistent daily action! It’s great that your notparkrun runs are going so well for you. ANd, can I say that I love that squirrel mural?
I’m so glad that you were able to get some rest and relax during your staycation this week. Sometimes it’s so nice not to have plans and to just go with the flow, especially with all of the craziness going on int he world.
It is nice to nothing sometimes! I find I run faster with other people with less effort bc I am distracted. It took me about 20 min to make a 60 sec IG video the other day!
It sounds like you had a wonderfully relaxing vacation and how fun to meet up with different friends! Usually, I’m either visiting my mom or at the beach house when I take vacation days, but it is fun to just be home with no big plans, too! Staycations are very much underrated!
Some “do nothing” down time sounds divine about now. Glad you enjoyed it. It’s looking very lovely and spring-like there! Still waiting for Chicagoland to burst into bloom.
Ugh. Taxes. We have to file quarterly, because Keith owns his own business. It’s super annoying because it feels like we are always doing taxes. I love that you and Ron are getting out there together! So fun!
Sometimes it’s nice to do absolutely nothing.
I’m planning to only choose a shower tray and fittings over the Easter weekend, and otherwise run and read and that’s it!
Glad you enjoyed your week off. I have never taken a staycation but it sounds relaxing.
Love all the signs of spring that I can see in your pix.
I personally am happy I don’t have to file my taxes until May 17 …