Week 25/2023 – Taking a ride with my best friend

Depeche Mode Live in Paris 2001 (we were not there though we have seen 3 other tours there!)

Yes! It’s finally time to go to Paris to see Depeche Mode! It’s around a 5 hour drive for us so pretty easy to do with a few stops to stretch the legs, get a coffee and make a biological pit stop!

This week was a little tough and I did not manage everything, but I did what I could and also listened to my body saying it needed a bit of rest.

Shall we get to it?

Time for the Weekly Run Down

Weekly Run Down Blogger Linkup
Join us for the Weekly Run Down!

Deborah and Kim are the amazing hosts for the Weekly Run Down! Feel free to join in as well to wrap up your week in fitness!


Plan vs. Actual

Monday – 3.25KM walk, GLI gym 1 hr intake – no workout (appt w/different PT), 3.5KM biking
Tuesday – 3KM walk (office day) to and from train station
Wednesday – 3KM walk, W6R1 run, 6KM, GLI 1 hour, gym 55 min
Thursday – 2.22KM walk, gym
Friday – 2.75KM walk, W6R2 run , gym 55 min
Saturday – 2.5KM walk, parkrun in Alkmaar 5KM, 17/17 Dutch parkruns done!
Sunday 2KM walk, long run W6R3, 1.4KM w/u walk, 10KM run (!!!)

Week 25

Plan vs. Actual

Obviously still walking 1KM per day. 

Monday – 3.35 KM walk (AM/PM), gym 45 min + 6KM lunch run
Tuesday – 1.6KM AM walk, 1.4KM lunch walk (definitely going to AMS this day)
Wednesday – DAY OFF – 2 KM walk, run, gym 
Thursday – 2.4 KM AM walk
Friday – Leave for Paris, walk min 1KM at some point 1.8KM done
Saturday – (not)parkrun in Bois de Boulogne 5.25KM , DM concert recorded 1KM walk
Sunday – Full day in Paris 14.15KM bike tour / 2.4KM walking (recorded)

Monday – up early and walking, didn’t make it too long because I knew I would be going to the gym in the evening to check in with my trainer and go through my strength program. What I didn’t know is that we were running during lunch! This was a bit willy-nilly and a total of 6KM.

I had my appointment at 6:30 and while I’m not a fan of having the focus be my weight, I still had to stand on the scale and, quelle surprise, no weight lost. And people wonder why I get so frustrated! So 8 weeks of consistency, walk, run, strength, and since January walking every day and it simply doesn’t matter. whomp whomp :( Fat percentage went down 1% and muscle up 1%. I know. It’s not about the number. But running when too heavy is HARD y’all.

Tuesday – This was the day to try walking to the station instead of biking. So up VERY early and left the house at 5:45, to be sure to be on time. Not only was I on time, I was early, took an earlier train to a different and lo and behold the Starbucks was open *cue heavens opening up and angels singing the highest praises of the coffee bean*

Also walked at lunch, purely functional but with a pep in my step. After work I attended a CPR/ AED course through work which had me on my knees a LOT trying to resuscitate a unconscious dummy, and FINALLY got home at nearly midnight. The hubs had a very bad day, so I didn’t go to bed immediately so I could be there for him to talk about it all.

Beyond exhausted.

Wednesday – nope, this day was a wash, for sure. Way too tired from the day before, plus pain all over. Aging is fun.

No run, skipped the gym, went out for a meal instead.

Thursday – good intentions. I got up early to walk and attempt to run, but still feeling pain in my knees and my feet (which is the normal pain). So I just walked in the morning.

Friday – I tried to get up extra early so that I could walk before sitting in the car for 5 + hours, but I was not successful. I did have more than 10K steps for the dat and officially recorded a walk after dinner.

Saturday – (not) parkrunday! Unfortunately parkruns in France are suspended until the government decides if they can continue without participants needing a medical certificate. They had allowed it before corona but suspended the events a while ago. My friend Laurent is on the core team at Bois de Boulogne and they now have “social runs” at 9am on Saturdays. Basically the parkrun without all the official stuff. Beautiful day, but very warm!

Coffee with social parkrunners in Bois de Boulogne

On the way to the Stadium to see Depeche Mode, we also made sure to record a walk for the streak.

The concert was amazing but, oh my dog, my feet and legs are trashed. PLEASE remind me to do seating from now on at gigs!! Seriously!!

with our friend Julien

Sunday – Bike tour today, and most certainly a walk!


Obviously still walking 1KM per day. 

Monday – Somewhere fit a walk in
Tuesday – morning walk or walk at lunch (definitely going to AMS this day)
Wednesday – DAY OFF Run, 30 min easy pace / walk + gym
Thursday – walk
Friday – Run, 30 min easy pace /. walk + gym
Saturday – 7.5KM Apeldoorn Midzomer race
Sunday – biking? walk? gym?

Ugh. Can’t believe this race is coming up and I still can’t run 5KM in one go. pfffft. Oh well. Start, run/walk/jog, finish. That’s the goal.

That’s a wrap!

How was your week? Do you sometimes skip a workout because of exhaustion or the feeling that you are not recovering well?

I still haven’t gotten to comments yet from last week’s post, but I will do so very soon! I appreciate the comments for sure!

12 thoughts on “Week 25/2023 – Taking a ride with my best friend

  1. Oh absolutely, stressing your body too much also causes it to hold onto weight (plus not enough sleep). Isn’t life fun?

    That is funky about the Paris Parkrun. People complain about the reach of government into everything in the US — like seriously, where is it any better?

  2. That is so weird about the Paris parkrun. Do they think they’ll be sued if something happens? Sheesh.

    I’m so glad you got to see Depeche Mode! And to go to Paris! How fun!

  3. I was at a concert Friday night, and couldn’t imagine sitting, LOL (but it was a Motley Crue cover band…impossible to sit still for that!). That said, I was a little sleepy come Saturday morning.

  4. Sorry about your stubborn weigh-in (but the decrease in fat% is important!) and Ron’s bad day. Hopefully that was all water under the bridge by the concert! Now whenever I hear Depeche Mode I think of you. :-)

    What kind of medical certificate does France want parkrunners to have?

  5. Yay, another DM concert. Isn’t it awesome how “close” everything is in Europe? :)
    I think you did good this week – you do what you can when the week is busy! Onward and upward!

  6. How fun! I wish I could just jet off to Paris like that! It’s five hours to Atlanta, and we’ll be going there in a few weeks, but doesn’t feel nearly as glamorous.

    My weight is being stupid too. I’m blaming trauma after Mr. PugRunner’s heart attack.

    That’s bizarre about ParkRun’s in France. While I appreciate the concern for everyone’s safety, one would think that’s a medical certificate for a 5k is excessive.

  7. That’s interesting about the Parkrun situation in France – especially since they allowed runs without the certificate pre-Covid.

    I hope you had a great time at the concert! I totally agree with you about needing seating though – my feet and legs get so fatigued!

  8. Oh you know, Paris is just a five-hour drive away… How cool is that! Glad you had fun at the MC concert! You guys have been on a concert roll! :-)

    How fun to join a “not” parkrun while in France.

  9. I think you did great. You had an active week and had a lot of fun, which is very important too! Don’t worry about the race coming up. You can do run/walk intervals and you’ll be fine! The important thing is to be out there and enjoy it. Oh, and I love your experience Tuesday of getting up early to walk to the train and being rewarded with Starbucks! I love to pair things like that- maybe you can make that a regular Tuesday thing.
    Hope you’re having a good week and enjoying the kitties!

  10. We had to complete a medical certificate for the Medoc marathon- it was a physical note from the GP with an official stamp. Seems pretty silly to me, to be honest! And the appointment with the GP was a bit of a waste of time…interesting how that all flows down to parkrun, and odd that covid-19 changed things backward…HUH. :)

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