is this what it’s going to be like? are there no others out there who share my experience? I mean, you read and hear all of those people who for example: 1) started running and shed loads of unwanted lardy…
Tag: Life
How Weight Watchers fits into Life
Part II::What to do when you can’t do what you do
I went to the physio. I was definitely not happy with the outcome. In fact I went home and I broke down and sobbed on my husband’s shoulder. What the hell was I going to do now? What about my…
Part I:: What to do when you can’t do what you do
Shhhh. Did you hear that? Wait, there it is again! Crickets! That’s right, crickets! It’s been awfully quiet around here. I didn’t mean for it to be like this but the truth is a lot has been going on, and…
Numbers and Stuff
As a self-proclaimed hater of calorie counting, I have to admit I’m kind of enjoying this new challenge. That’s how I see it, as a challenge. To see all the numbers, not just the Weight Watcher ProPoints, has been kind…
A Confession out of Sheer Desperation
Well, it’s confession time folks. Remember when I quit Weight Watchers because I’d had enough? Enough of trying to make ProPoints work for me. Enough of feeling like a failure. Enough of feeling miserable because I was hungry. I could…
A funny thing happened on the way to Luxembourg (part II)
“They” say things happen in threes. I believe this to a certain extent. As I mentioned in my previous post, we rented a car to go to Luxembourg to pick up my parents. They had been on a long cruise…
What’s New Pussycats? Part I
I’ve been incredibly busy lately. Rushing around all over the place. My parents were here for a day, as I mentioned in my last post. They went on to Denmark and flew to Luxembourg as my stepmom’s best friend from…
I’m sure you notice there are a few changes on the blog. Sometimes you come full circle. I started a “life” blog a few years ago and branched off into weight loss. Then my whole life became about weight loss…
Something Good
Friday I got to see my dad and Stepmom in Amsterdam. They are on a cruise that docked here for exactly 8 hours. It was great to see them. Dad’s doing well. It’s still early days since his radiation therapy…
Today’s Post Brought to you by: Depression, Anger, Disappointment and Bad Self-Esteem
Now if that is not an uplifting post title, I don’t know what is! Look, I do know and acknowledge that I have good things in my life. Really, I do. And I do know that my life is a…