I’m linking up with the Weekly Wrap again this week from HoHo Runs and MissSippiPiddlin – check out their blogs as well AND the links that others have dropped in the link up! Here’s the recap from last week –…
Tag: Training
Week 7 in the pocket.
I’m linking up with the Weekly Wrap from HoHo Runs and MissSippiPiddlin as I’m trying very hard to be consistent with my weekly posts, AND it would be great to have a bit more engagement. With having not a lot…
January Wrap-Up
How I’ve felt the last couple of weeks: A Quick Recap of the last couple of weeks: Running: Am only running on training days at the moment, so Monday, Friday and Sunday. After I went to the physio (in week…
The Plan for Jan
So, instead of making New Year’s resolutions this year, or huge goals, or whatever, I’m simply going to start and carry on as I intend to do throughout the year. But, let’s do it one month at a time, shall…
Week 15 – This is pretty much it #roadtoberlin
Well, we are seriously in taper week my friends! As of this writing there is officially less than 7 full days before the start of my SIXTH marathon. And the first time running the full distance in Berlin. Week 15…
February Running
February was kind of a beautiful disaster if you ask me. And you did silently ask, didn’t you? I mean basically I had to really hunker down and study my ass off for exams and had less time to train.…
January Running
Another year flew by, an exciting year, and 2016 pretty much crashed in like a ton of bricks! On the 31st of December I took the day off and was actually able to run with my beloved running group on…
The Long Run – Mind games, loneliness and firing the voice in my head.
So as a crazy person who’s signed up for another TWO marathons, I’m just 5 weeks before my 1st of the two which means really stupid-long runs are on the schedule. Of course not as long as the stupid-long distance…
What’s Happening?
So, since I had a little whinge about my struggles, I’ve had a vacation, gotten my blood test results back, ran a 10 Miler and had a birthday so I thought I’d update just a wee bit. Running When I…
I love Numbers – (week) 9, 12(K), 14 (days to Berlin)
As you know I started Week 9 with an 18.5KM run. 18.5 people. That’s 2.6 KM from the total Half Marathon. It could have been better. It was fine. 2:11, right? That’s ok. But I learned a few things: 1)…