I have to have a breakthrough. I need my therapy back. I haven’t seen my physio since beginning of September. I made an appointment today for next week. I can’t wait for him to say I can run again. I…
Category: Body
Quit What?
I really wanted to start writing more often and had visions of brilliant prose flowing from my brain to my fingers on a regular basis. The reality is, I haven’t got a lot to say, and even when I try…
First Pre-Run Attempt
(I scheduled this post for last week, damn it!!! ) Last week Wednesday my physio gave me some exercises to do to prepare for running again. Then we made an appointment for two weeks to see how things were going.…
That thing about Weigh-In Day
To be honest, I saw this pattern a long, long time ago and yet I still let it mentally bother me each time it happened. Whenever I would weigh-in, I would somehow, somewhere throughout the day go overboard with food.…
I just wanna know
is this what it’s going to be like? are there no others out there who share my experience? I mean, you read and hear all of those people who for example: 1) started running and shed loads of unwanted lardy…
Part I:: What to do when you can’t do what you do
Shhhh. Did you hear that? Wait, there it is again! Crickets! That’s right, crickets! It’s been awfully quiet around here. I didn’t mean for it to be like this but the truth is a lot has been going on, and…
Numbers and Stuff
As a self-proclaimed hater of calorie counting, I have to admit I’m kind of enjoying this new challenge. That’s how I see it, as a challenge. To see all the numbers, not just the Weight Watcher ProPoints, has been kind…
A Confession out of Sheer Desperation
Well, it’s confession time folks. Remember when I quit Weight Watchers because I’d had enough? Enough of trying to make ProPoints work for me. Enough of feeling like a failure. Enough of feeling miserable because I was hungry. I could…
Thanks. I needed that!
I haven’t run for two weeks. In fact I’ve hardly done anything. What with my parents being here, plus the travel and then the exhaustion from work on top of that it just wasn’t happening. But today I decided to…
Recap: Utrecht Half Marathon Thoughts
I wrote a post earlier this week but have decided to try again in another way, at least giving my impressions for anyone who may be interested to do this in the future. But I’m going to be honest, it…