Another Week Bites the Dust It’s that time again. It wasn’t a bad week, but here I am on Sunday, struggling to feel OK about things. Please don’t think I want to feel this way or that I don’t try…
Tag: Gym
Friday Five – Goals for November and The Ultimate Coffee Date
Hey y’all. Here we are again. Since it just happens to be November 1st, how about a goals post for this month? If we were having Coffee I’d tell you that it’s going just as “badly” outside of my blog…
WRD: Stormy Weather
I had a lot of hope for this week. It seemed like the universe was a little bit against that hope. It’s fine. It just could have been better. WAY better. It is full on Autumn here in the Netherlands.…
WRD: Week 24 Back in the Saddle
This week was finally a bit “normal” – I wasn’t sick, I worked four days, and I got a lot of activity in. Little Love Note to the Commenters: I’m so sorry I haven’t replied on comments the last few…
Week 33 – Vacation Mode: ON
I know that most everyone has now had summer holiday, kids are going back to school, everyone is getting back into routine… so now it’s time for me to be on vacation! So far I’m still at home but there…
Week 32 – Shake it Out
Another week has flown by! Incredible! Everyone coming back from vacation and kids are going back to school and I’m like “WHAT? I DIDN’T HAVE A SUMMER HOLIDAY YET!!” Since I want to get this post up while it’s…
Week 31 – Hot Herre
I know everyone is talking about the weather right now and honestly I’m one of those “it is what it is” kind of people when it comes to weather and… I rarely believe the weather forecast anyway (especially here!). …
Week 30 + July Recap
*I always liked this 30 Seconds To Mars song, but now it’s on the playlist of the new BodyPump release – so it’s constantly in my head (and I have the desire to grab some weights and do bicep curls)…
Week 25 – Rest, Run, Ride, Repeat
I’m going to try linking up with Holly and Wendy again for the Weekly Wrap. Check out their blogs, plus many others and join in the fun in the Fitness Related Posts Link-up! This week has been pretty…
Week 3-18 Wait, what was my word this year?
Oh yeah. Focus. It was a weird week. But I think a lot has to do with still being away and traveling back at the beginning of the week. Monday – we were still in Naples, but had…